Countif Tasks are completed late?
Hey There~ I'm trying to count how many of my tasks are being completed late and I'm struggling to do this. Here's what I got: Here is the formula: =COUNTIF([Completion Dates]:[Completion Dates], >[Due Dates]:[Due Dates]) This returns zero but I want it to return three. However, =COUNTIF([Completion Dates]1, >[Due Dates]1)…
Enhancement Requests: Community updates
2. I'd like to be able to see in My Profile only the posts that I started. If there was a way to filter those results, that would be fantastic too. I've posted a few threads here and commented on one or two more, and sometimes I KNOW I have fixed the problem and while I can usually find it, sometimes, it takes too long…
Desperate for help with a formula
I need help with a formula. I want to look at a revised date and the original due date, and have the value that is greater in another column for formatting purposes. Here is what I am using. =IF(([Revised Due Date]734 - [Due Date]734)>0, [Revised Due Date]734, [Due Date]734). Can someone help me ? Thanks, Sharon
web form redirect page
it has come to my atention that for some reason the webform redirect to a custom url is no longer working how it should. when submitting a entry, instead of redirecting to the specified page, it loads the entire website inside the I-frame. this i causing some serious problems. So far his has been happening specifically…
Attachments - Group Download / Report / Collective
Hello Community, We have a sheet containing a lot of attachments (photos) which we would like to collectively generate into a report, even at the bottom of the report. Is this achievable? If so, can it refer to the row it is attached? The report we generate makes no reference to there even being attachments to refer to.…
Community Tips
Kudos to Development Team
1. Excellent response to recent complaints about the <enhanced> notes functionality. Looks like you are back on track and heading in the right direction. 2. The pace of product tweaks has accelerated. I notice subtle refinements being added almost every month. 3. Filters. Fantastic new feature, and correct on the first…
Project Settings & Working Days "disappeared"! Help!
Hi there, Created a new, fairly large project sheet. Set up working days, holidays etc. All of a sudden (post SmartSheets update..don't know if a coincidence) none of these settings are applying. E.g. I can select Sat or Sun and those dates populate even though they are non-working days. Also, on same rows the durations…
sending out emails in groups and as bbc
Hi, We are sending web forms to groups of people as a questionnaire to gather data. We want to send out a group and do so as a bbc group through smart sheets. When will this feature be available?
Outlook 2016 NOT outlook web
Can anyone help me with adding the add-in for Smartsheets to Outlook 2016 NOT Outlook web. I have a microsoft e-mail and account but it is NOT linked with my Outlook 2016 desktop program. On my desktop I use Outlook 2016 and would love to add Smartsheets as a add-in. When I install it by default it opens OUtlook Web which…