task list connected to project sheet?
Hello, We are working on an interdepartmental project where each department has created a project sheet listing and assigning all main tasks that team is responsible for. I would like people to then create individual task lists further breaking down all the things they need to do to complete the main task. is there a way…
Connecting to Financial Management members
Is there a way to view the Financial Management members posts as a group?
Ok, I'm stumped! I want to have a drop down list of employees no problem, but then I want a cost associated with each employee for time and money management. Such as: drop list Johnny Johnny makes 35.00 per hour he clocks in for 6 hours outcome 35 x 6= So I have the time, I have the hours and minutes, I just dont know how…
Project Item on Saturday
Hello, I am new to Smartsheet. My project is setup to have 5-day work. One of my project items will be ended on Saturday (say 3 Jun 2017). However, the system will automatically change the end date to 2 Jun 2017, Friday. How can I change the setting in Smartsheet to allow the end date on Saturday? Thanks a lot! Update: I…
Hover over discussion or comment symbol to show latest comment(s)
We have a request for team members to be able to hover over the discussion/comment icon for a given row in order to view the latest comments. Even if it is the first line or two, that would help them have context. Currently viewing the activity log or selecting the export, the users need to find the rows associated to the…
Add workdays to date
There are some columns that will be used to manage my project, "% completion", "Start Date","End Date", "Duration","Today". Now, our tasks show their completion percentage and I can see in the Gantt Chart how far the tasks run in the entire time and some of tasks seems like a bit delay from today. Therefore, I want to set…
Formulas- Pulling dollar values from text string
Hello, I'am new to Smartsheets and trying to pull a dollar value out of a text string to put in an adjacent column. ACI - A/CP-BP 10k Type 2 Bullet Probe | 24" Leads $6.02
Create a report form from single line entry
Hi, we use Smartsheet to track customer requests and action plan to resolve. I am setting up a webform for quick entry and would like to print a "report" or something that is easy to pass on to the appropriate person. It would need to be for only one line on our smart sheet page. I know I can click on the line and "Send" -…
Zapier and Service M8 integration with Smarthseet
Hi, I was wondering if anyone has any info on how to achieve what i am trying to do: I have field management software that I use called Service M8 - it works with Zapier to update and or create rows in Smartsheet. We use Zapier to make a new row in Smartsheet and the trigger is when we make a new client in Service M8. That…
Sights Widget to Display Update of Any Changes of an Entire Sheet
I Desperately Need Help with understanding how to use a report and/or widget feature to display an automatic update of date whenever anything on a sheet is modified or changed. I would like for this to pop up on the dashboard I am creating as "Last Updated As: 5/5/2017" for an example. Can anyone please help? I have…