Formula for recurring meetings
Hi, I'm currently working on a smartsheets for a project that has a number of deliverables. As part of the process for each one, they need to be reviewed in a meeting - there are meetings already set-up with the client every Wednesday and Friday which is when they will all be reviewed. Is there a way for me to create a…
Status of Child rows
Hi I am trying to create a Project Schedule with Budget and Variance and include an overall status using the status of the child rows. I have 1 line that is the overall project and then 4 phase lines, with around 20 tasks underneath each phase line. I want the phase lines to give an overall status of the child task rows…
Drag Fill Formula Horizontally
I am trying to find a way to drag fill formula horizontally so the formula updates the column name in the fomula as it is drag filled horizontally. Drag fill horizontally only copies the original formula across the cells... Am I missing something or is the drag fill function only posible if you drag fill vertically. Thanks
Listing unique values in a column, and counting them (group and sum)
I have to import a list of orders and count how many times each unique product was ordered. So the orders may list the same ITEM hundreds of times (eg: Item123 x10 pieces). I want another list or sheet which displays a UNIQUE list of each item, and a COUNT of how many pieces of that item was ordered. As my order list…
IF Function with Checkbox
I'm trying to create a formula....If the checkbox is "checked" in the Toledo column, then display the formula result that's in the price/ft column. If the checkbox is not checked then price/ft column is blank. Any help is appreciated. Thx Joe
Web Forms
Any way to change the link to web forms so former employees no longer have the link? Thanks in advance!
Dependent Drop Down Lists
I need to create dependent drop down lists. We are dealing with multiple categories that then have many subcategories each. In Excel I can create a dependent drop down where if the value of cell B3 is Accessories, then the only choices I have in cell C3 are the accessories subcats. Obviously one can manually choose the…
Complicated formula help
Hello, I want to create a formula that changes the unit price to half price when the quanitity goes above a certain amount - ie. Columns [Quantity], [Unitprice], [Total] - I want to charge the normal unit price for up to a quanitty of 24, when the quantity is over 24, then I want the quantity that is over and above 24 to…
Import list of users, what about dupes of existing users?
I want to import a list of 500 users into SmartSheet as unlicensed users. But what happens if they already exist as a licensed user in SmartSheet? Will Smartsheet leave existing user accounts alone, or will it override existing settings? Or will it create duplicate accounts?
If/Then formula help
I have the following formula in a field to calculate a cost: =IF([Pre-ID]6, 5.18 * [Higher Qnty]6, 4.98 * [Higher Qnty]6) However, if the result of this calculation is not at least $300.00 I need the formula to insert $300 instead of what is actually calculated. How would I modify this formula? Is this possible? Thank you,…