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Discussion List
Basics of Webhooks from other applications via SurveyGizmo
Hi, I am new to attempting to work with these Webhooks and could use some help. I use SurveyGizmo as a surveying tool to gather information from a large amount of users. I am trying to build it to where everytime a response is made in SurveyGizmo, it will transmit that data to Smartsheet to store on a sheet. SurveyGizmo…
Best practices for incorporating human resources/work force for company with multiple divisions
I'm trying to find the best way to incorporate my companies career path/employee roles for mulitple projects throughout five divisions. Request the best practices for resource management for mulitple projects.
Is there a formula to check one checkbox for a row that will check other checkboxes throughout the s
I am creating a sheet that contains the same item on multiple rows and need a way to link the checkboxes, so if one is checked all are checked. Please help!
Automatic hyperlinks disable
Could you please tell me if PASTE AS PLAIN TEXT or disable automatic link conversion (when pastes in a cell) will be done anytime in a near future? If it is not planned anytime soone 1-3month , then could you give me some directions on how I would be able to disable this feature with an app, or whatever else,code, whatever…
gant bar color
Hello, I am desperately looking how I can change the color of a gantt bar. Right clicking on it .. only shows me "edit" option .. but not "color" option. conditional formating : If I select to apply a color to the whole line .. then it allows me to indicate also the gantt bar color .. . If I select eg red .. it doesn't…
Help with formula to avoid #DIVIDE BYZERO ERROR message
Hello, I have a large formula trying to achieve an AverageIf function - but I still sometimes get the #Divide By Zero error - any ideas of what i can do to the formula to avoid this? =SUMIFS([HEP Time (Minutes)]:[HEP Time (Minutes)], [HEP Name]:[HEP Name], "Galvin Davidson", [Current Month]:[Current Month], 1,…
Gantt Chart timeline issue
Hi there, When I try to print a Gantt Chart the timeline is in, say, months or quarters, but when I press the printer icon it automatically converts to a weekly timeline. Does anyone know how to control the timeline when I print? Thanks, Paul
Web Form Completion Remiders
Is there a way to set a reminder asking users to complete a web form?
Bar charts in tables using REPT function
I know SS is working on embedded charts for Sights but an easy workaround would be to have bar charts in a single cell using the Repeat function as in Excel. This is really a Text based formula cheat whereby a "|" is repeated by the value in question (i.e. =REPT("|",Ref) ). So, if you had a table and you wanted to rank the…