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Discussion List
Enhancement Request: Filters to include and / or functionality
I would like to request the ability to customize filters by adding specific conditions to each row. The filters currently have an option to show rows that match all conditions or an option to show rows that match at least one condition. Because we share our SmartSheets with multiple teams, I would like the ability to add…
Please add: Set default view on Publish setup
Really a bummer if we have card view going and I want to send it around for view/read only and people get a janky grid. Can Smartsheet just add a default view setting to the publish functionality? That way we can determine what view we want with the read only or edit views?
AIA G703 - Form Template
I’ve created a modified version of the AIA G703 form in Smartsheet for use in monthly tracking of my financing of a land development project. Each time a new funding request is made, a new sheet is submitted which includes a colum for “work previously completed” which needs to sum several columns from the previous funding…
Milestones in Report not printing to PDF correctly
I have a report that shows milestones and tasks. When I print to PDF the milestones are not showing as milestones but as very thin tasks. This is odd as the report shows a diamond black milestone but the problem occurs when I print to PDF. Any suggestions?
Export of reports do not properly show diamond
Hi there, When I make an export (gantt to image) of a report including a few milestones, they don't get exported as diamonds, but as 1 day events. Is this a bug? Because when I look at the Gantt view in Smartsheet itself, then the diamonds are displayed correctly. Thanks!
Outlook Add In no longer working
Using Outlook to access an Office365 account, and I have long made extensive use of the Smartsheet Add-in. I've dealt with the browser login issue before, but today I got a new error that is very different. "ADD-IN ERROR" "A problem occurred while trying to reach this add-in" Anybody else getting this?
Index and match functions
I would like to use Index and match functions. I have done this only if all the relevant data are on the same sheer. However, if I need to index and get the value from another sheet, How can I do that? Thanks
Integration to MS Dynamics CRM
Are there any plans to create an integration to Microsoft Dynamics CRM similar to the existing integration with Salesforce.com? Thanks!
Cannot Remove Hyper Link on Phone Number?
Please Help, For the life of me I cannot remove a hyper link. I added a simple telephone number and it show as a link (blue with underline) I want to remove this as it not a link, just a number. I tried all methods that would normally remove this. i.e right click on cell (no remove) Ctrl C - Ctrl V (even special paste…
Feature Request: Attachments viewed from workspace level
I still miss being able to view attachments at the sheet or row level from the workspace level. I don't miss it often, but usually when I do I've just lost 30 minutes looking for the attachment I know was on one of the many sheets in the workspace (and it was). Work-around is to request a backup and check there. I…