Change Cell Value Automation
I have a [Status] column and a [% Complete] column I am trying to create a change cell value automation that sets % Complete to 100 when Status changes to "Complete" This seems to be pretty straightforward but, I cant get it to work
Column Formula IF Parent THEN formula ELSE text
I'm trying to create a column formula that will run a formula if the row is a Parent but let me add any value if it is a child This gives me a #CIRCULAR REFERENCE error on the Parent and #BLOCKED on the children =IF(COUNT(ANCESTORS()) = 0, AVG(CHILDREN()))
Running a report with multiple drop-downs
Hi. I am running a QI report where we are looking at any kudos for our agents. We want to recognize our top performers, and we have a sheet where we collect that data for specific agents and incidents. On most incidents there will be 2 or more agents receiving those kudos, so we created a multiple select drop-down to enter…
summing up data for multiple people with text data?? and no Sheet Summary function
Hello, I'm hoping someone will be able to help me, I'm a Government user so I don't have access to all the functions that a regular user of Smartsheets would have, like Sheet Summary. So i may not be able to do what I am wanting to do, or i just can't think of how to do it. My team has a simple task tracker where we track…
Calculating Average Time for each member of a team
Hi everyone, I am new to SmartSheets and Excel formulas in general and would like some help please. I would like to calculate the average time in months that it takes for a team member to complete tasks. For example, I have a date created column for every task and another column named "Team member". I would like to…
Count IF and Contain help?
I am using this formula to count how many tasks are RED and assigned to an Assignee. It does not seem to be picking up if the Task has been assigned to multiple people. For example. If the Task is assigned to Bob and Sally as an assignee it wont pick that task up. Is there a way to do a CONTAINS off of the Team11?…
Countif of children cells
Hello everyone! I got stuck on a formula that I need as KPI to monitor a project. I need a formula similar to the one that appears by default and that shows the percentage of completed task per macro level. In my case, I need it also for the other activity statuses, such as in progress and not started, so that in the end…
Why is #INVALID OPERATION displayed in a cell momentarily?
The smartsheet has a column formula, ="https://trackpoint.[MyURL].com/projecttracking.aspx?ProjectID=" + [TrackPoint ID]@row, (I've replaced the valid URL with "[MyURL]" in the formula displayed). Upon opening the smartsheet, every cell in the column displays, #INVALID OPERATION. After a few seconds, the values in the…
COUNTIFS with multiple criteria
Hi all, I am looking to count a data range based on the criteria in two columns (yes, I'm British, hence the spelling!) The fist column is a simple choice of three individual words, Ordered/Live/Complete. However, the second column has all our different contract types which I've narrowed down for the purposes of this…
Subtract minutes from Hours
Greetings, I'm trying to subtract minutes from a set number of hours and display the amount of time left in HH:SS. For Example: There are 10 hours available for testing but totally the environment came up 35 minutes late. I know it is something simple but I'm missing it.