Change RED/YELLOW/GREEN symbol based on 'At Risk' containing set # of occurrences
Hi - I'm trying to get the 'Project/Phase Health' column to change to YELLOW if I have 1 to 2 'At Risk' task, but to be GREEN if all task have empty 'at risk'. I tried to SUM the 'At Risk' column as I thought 'At Risk' = "Yes" means that the cell had "1" in in (equivocably). What's the formula to say that IF(SUM of 'At…
Formula to find many times an employee failed on a task
I am trying to write a formula that will keep track on how many times an employee failed to document properly for the last 28 days. Below is the formula I tried with no success ( I have replaced the employee's last name with asterisk's for privacy). I have also attached a screenshot of the sheet I am tracking on. Any help…
Metric Sheet for dashboard
Hi, I am working on a dashboard with a Metric sheet. I have the formula to count my tasks =COUNTIFS({Emerald Workflow - Status}, @cell = "completed"). What I would like to do is add in only if date submitted or completed in the last 7 days. the Date Submitted is a system date. Is this something we can do? Kirstie
Get the value with the latest Date
Hi Experts, I need help in getting the value from the item column of Test Sheet1 which has the latest date and put it in the test sheet 2. I am trying to use, join(collect(Item sheet1 , Date, max(Date(@cell)) but not working. Can you help me with the correct formula? And second question, what if I have 2 reference sheet…
Using CountIf to get values from multiple sheets
Hi Smarties, Just out of curiosity, is there a simpler formula when consolidating data from multiple sheets with the same column name? For example, I have sheets Test 2 and Test 3. Both have status columns and I would like to count how many In Progress in my roll-up sheet. It works when I do the following formula…
How do I count how many projects are "In Progress" or "Completed" ?
HI There, I feel this should be easy to figure out but i cant seem to! PLEASE HELP?! I have a column called "STATUS" , I have a drop down menu with the following under Status STAUS On Hold In Progress Cancelled Completed How do I show / count how many projects are "on Hold" or "Completed" or "Cancelled" Ideally this will…
Display date and time in India time from GMT
Assuming Created time is captured inGMT datetime, I would like to display Indian standard time in another column. I referend few timezone conversion samples, but its not working if the timezone time with excess of 30 min. India timezone is 5 hrs 30 min ahead of GMT, formulas discussed in the forum works if GMT+5 and not…
Conditional Formatting based on Date
All, I would like to create a conditional formatting based on a date. Use case below: Column A is a date - I would like Column B to turn yellow if it is under 10 days from Column A date, turn orange if past 15 days and turn red if past 15 days. Is this possible? Would I need to create a formula? Doesn't look like I can…
How do i count the number of times a status changes
I have a ticketing tool on smart sheets with a status column. the status can change from complete to reopen to complete and reopen again. I want to measure first call resolution, so how do I count the number of times the status in the row changed to re-open. Thank you for your assistance in advance
Formula to extract an email from a text string cell
Hello Smartsheet Community Friends! I am looking for a formula that would allow me to extract just an email address from a cell that contains text. Example, the cell in column "Notes" might contain: 'blah blah words blah myemail@email.com more words blah blah' I am looking for a formula that would help me extract that…