Sum in report in chart
Hi! I need to make a chart of two results. Collecting data from multiple sheets via a report. I include all the sheets needed, and then make groups for the two different items. As shown in the picture below, "Timer brukt" sums up to 602,5 and "Timer kalkulert" sums up to 1104,7. How can I get these two together in one…
IF formula for Days Past Due
New wrinkle to a previous issue. I now need to add more exclusion text to a formula. I want to show days past due if the text in the cell is NOT "Complete", "Excluded", or "Deferred". This is my current formula: =IF(Status7 <> "Complete", IF(TODAY() - [Due Date]7 >= 0, TODAY() - [Due Date]7)). How do I add the terms…
Separating rows in cells when generating pdf document
Is there a way to keep the rows clean and separate when you generate documents. In the cell I use "alt enter" to separate the information I type in. In the background, I have several formulas working to populate cells that allow me to print a pdf correctly. The information is correct, it's just one big long scrunched up…
How do I shorten the length of the text field in a metric widget?
I need to shorten these fields but can't seem to find how
Automate change of month on reports
I have a number of reports that calulate variously monthly totals that are used to feed into dashboards. I currently need to change the month it reports on manually every month - is there any way to automate this change? Garmon
What is the easiest way to achieve sheets with attachments?
Hello, We have sheets with attachments and would like to archive them for future use. Other than "retiring" them and moving them into a Smartsheet folder, or downloading all the attachments and putting them on a drive, is there a better way? What are the best practices for this? Thank you in advance! ER
Setting Default Values in Form
Is there a way to set up default values in a form? My boss receives the automation email will all of the info in it, and he adds the info needed. There are specific columns that 90% are the time are set to "No". Is there a way to auto-default those two columns to No but still be able to change them as needed? Thanks…
Smartsheet Limitation
Hi everyone, I understand Smartsheet have the following Limitations (plus many others). Can someone please clarify if the 10MB includes attachments ? The file cannot exceed 10 MB Up to 5,000 rows, 200 columns, or 200,000 cells can be imported at a time Thank you.
Approvals for multiple lines
I've seen this question asked a few times and I understand it isn't possible to set up a workflow to approve multiple lines as once, but a comment that has appeared as a workaround is to use a report to mark the lines as approved, declined, etc. I am relatively new to Smartsheet and don't understand how to make this work.…
Transferring ownership and automated workflows
Hi team - I transferred ownership of a sheet that has a bunch of workflows in it. Everything works as expected however, when the workflows kick off they still show the following: Question - how do I get the new owner to show up as the FROM? Do I have to disable all of these workflows then have the new owner duplicate it so…