I have been using Smartsheet for ~8-years and to this point, I have had a master Sheet with data from about 20 Project Managers, so it was easy to create each of them a Report to pull just their data. I am now doing the same thing, but for our Global Account Management Team -- where we have several hundred Account…
Comment calculer la somme d'une sélection dans une cellule à sélections multiples?
Bonjour, J'essaie de trouver la formule pour calculer uniquement une sélection à l'intérieur d'une cellule qui comprend plusieurs sélections. Exemple: dans une cellule, il y a 3 sélections : bleu, jaune et rouge. Sur une colonne de 25 lignes, je veux savoir combien de "bleu" a été sélectionnés? Merci de m'aider!
find the formula to calculate only a selection inside a cell which has multiple selections.
Hello, I am trying to find the formula to calculate only a selection inside a cell which has multiple selections. Example: in a cell, there are 3 selections: blue, yellow and red. On a 25 row column, I want to know how many "blue" has been selected? Thank you for helping me!
Including headers in reports
I have a nicely formatted tracker with indents that neatly group assets. (header) long-range weapons (indent) type 1 (indent) type 2 I have a report that shows all the necessary information except for the headers (ie, the non-indented group parent). The result is a bunch of useless reports full of generic info (indent)…
Workspace ownership
Is it possible to transfer ownership of a workspace from one person to another? If so, how does one do so? I can change a role from from admin to editor but have not figured out how to change the owner of the workspace. Thanks in advance.
Parent and Child optional selections
I want to create a variable task or option based tasks. Has anyone tried this? I want to have a main heading weekly tasks but have 3 options for my resources. He can choose his task out of 3 or I can assign him one. but in the end the other two are no longer used or populated (the structure is there but no data is in…
Form Entry Controls
Hi there, Is there a way to control the data entry in a form? By that I mean as I'm filling a form, smartsheet will check character limit on the go, or if I have Start Date and End Date field on the form, to have smartsheet reject form submission if the End Date lies before the Start Date. Thanks! JT
Automation on date
Hi, I have set up a mail to trigger based on the date and time, which is not working. Can anyone hep on what could be the possible issue with it? Prajna
Secret Pal Question
Hello, We've set up a form for our Secret pal at work. I was wondering has anyone ever got the auto (random) generate to work where it assigns those who participate a random person to be their secret pal. We know we can do this manually to have someone who is not participating assign them but I wondered if anyone has tried…
Sharing Permissions
Is there a way to "turn off" my administrator rights so I can test functionality for a non-administrator?