Routine reminder
Hello, I am trying to set up a routine reminder to notify staff to submit a report. I would additionally like to have it notify other staff to follow up to collect reports once the due date passes. I set these up as two different workflows but if I can combine let me know. I am also trying to find a way to not have to…
Entering values into a contact column
In my dashboard reference sheet, I have a contacts column. Under this contacts column, after the table with the contacts, I have linked data from another sheet for another purpose/widget, and this works great. I am trying to grab information from another cell in this same sheet using this formula: =[if COMPLETE]28 under…
Can I delete rows from Master sheet?
Hello, I have a Master sheet, into which information comes every day via a form. I also have a Wrap Up sheet which pulls specific data from the Master and manipulates them via a formula into a number I need to display. For example, the form populates the Master Sheet with the number of patients on a unit at midnight, the…
Sheet using Smartsheet & Forms
I have built a sign-in sheet using forms (yay) but am now wondering if there's a way to do the following: We occasionally collect some attendee data that I'd love to have pre-populated so that people can sign in and add in the rest of their information and also sign there. Is there a good way to do this in Smartsheet?…
Surveying Project - How to setup the structure of Smartsheets
I need to send out Architectural Survey team out to the field to survey the existing conditions of a restaurant. Information gathered is Electrical Information (Panel Size, # of Breakers), Equipment (Make Model and serial#), Condition of Walls,etc. I'd like to send them with a Ipad with a Smartsheet form, but I'm…
Automated Workflow - Sending tow steps simultaneously
First time workflow automation user here... I created a workflow that has the following steps: Approval request > Request for Update > Approval Request I currently have each step assigned to me and my VP for testing purposes. There are many more steps that follow these in the workflow, but this is where my issues is…
Convert Google Doc hyperlink in a cell to an attachment
We have some sheets containing very large numbers of hyperlinks to Google Documents. The links are in a single column, with one hyperlink in each row. This procedure has been followed for several years, rather than using the attachments facility, for internal security reasons which no longer apply. Our organisation is now…
Roll Up Sheet needs daily "activation" to work
Hello, I have a Master Sheet and a Roll Up sheet based on the Master. The Roll Up uses a lot of formulas, including the "TODAY()" function. Apparently, the Roll Up will NOT refresh to reflect the data that came into the Master unless I physically go in to the Roll Up and "activate" it by scrolling around in it and…
Cell links lost when column type is changed on destination sheet
Has anyone else run into this? Is this a normal function? I had a checkbox column in my source sheet and one on my destination sheet. The theory was that a box would be checked if certain criteria was met at least once anywhere on a sheet. This was put into a lot of sheets. The sheets were then listed out as sort of a…
Automate RYG Balls based on 3 columns.
Hi, I need help with finding a way to automate the RYG balls so that if no dates are input, it's white. If the first date is input, it's red. If the second date is input, its yellow. And if the final date is input, it's green. Thank you !