Remove Field Header in Card View
Is it possible to remove the column header for selected columns in Card View? For example, I have a column that has a hyperlink to project stuff; project plan, a project folder for docs, project mailer. I do not need to see the header in Card View when the hyperlink is the same thing (screenshot attached). I recall not…
Spreadsheet Pagination or Archive Rows?
Is there a feature or ability to turn on pagination for a spreadsheet? We have a few that have grown large and having lots of rows load in slows down the page loading and responsiveness. Ideally this would let you load the first page that shows rows 1-100, then page 2 would be 101-200, and so on. Anything like this exist…
An Alerts and Actions rule has become invalid
Overnight I've received 20+ "An Alerts and Actions rule has become invalid" emails from smartsheet due to an employee who left our company several weeks back. Although his account was removed via LDAP, his email address exists in smartsheet alerts across our corporate smartsheet account. Is there a way to completely remove…
Configure "Request to join Smartsheet account" recipients
Currently, when existing contributors within our organization request a full license via the web application, an email is generated and addressed to the SysAdmins within our instance. My preference is that those requests be directed to a single inbox for L1 triage, instead of creating email noise for our IT architects. Is…
Update end date when complete is checked
Hi. I would like for my tasks' completion dates to be automatically updated to the day that the task is completed (i.e. when the user ticks the check box, etc.). I already understand the whole idea of task dependencies, that's not the issue. My ultimate goal is to automatically update future dependent task due dates based…
How to hide rows on a list?
Hello everyone, I am on the trial version, testing to see if it will work for my company. I loaded a spreadsheet from Google Sheet, and I am trying to hide some rows. I clicked everywhere and wasn't able to find. Would somebody please help me? Super thanks in advance!
Cell with leading whitespace
An unorthodox question but posting as I'm sure our company is not the only one who sometimes uses Excel as a Word document ... We have an Excel document that we are importing to Smartsheet, and Excel allows the use of leading white-spaces in the cell so that overall the document reads better e.g., Row 1: Title 1 Row 2: -…
Is there a way to add the 'today' bar to the Gantt view on a dashboard?
When I look at the Gantt chart on the sheets and in reports, there is a nice marker indicating 'today' which gives a great reference point. You can see this as a vertical dashed line in Capture1 below. When I create a dashboard using the same report I see the same data, however there is no vertical line indication where we…
Auto Flagging Yes or No answers
Hey everyone! This is my first post on smartsheet, so please bear with me. I'm trying to build a Production Report. I'd like the Red Flag to turn on whenever the "Was Production Met" column says "No". This is my current formula: =IF([Was Production Met?]1 = 0, 1). I can make it work with a checkbox, but no luck with yes or…
Limiting editable access to certain users
Hello there everyone interested! We're looking to share sheets to various departments here however we don't want all cells to be able to be filled in (or changed) by all users. Is there a way that we can restrict editable fields to certain user accounts so user A can only edit columns 1-3 and user B can only edit columns…