Dynamic dropdowns - Waterfall request
The Contact List, Dropdown (Single Select), and Dropdown (Multi Select), are useful tools to control data entry. The problem is they require a lot of maintenance. Through Bridges, we have a sheet that is populated with information from our ADP. It contains all of our employees. Using a Contact List column and selecting the…
'Take a Picture' Function in Android App
The behaviour of the 'Take a Picture' function differs between the iOS and Android apps when clicking the attachment button on the Dynamic View item. I believe this function should be consistent across both Android and iPhone, as deployed solutions can be accessed on both mobile operating systems. I hope this is deployed…
Please enable us to select multiple contacts when sharing (was avialable a year or so ago)
About a year or so ago, if you wanted to share anything in Smartsheet, you had the ability to bring up your entire contact list or type a keyword, you would then be able to select multiple contacts to share with the same customize message. Please bring that back. It is a much-missed function. Thank you!
Dashboard Full Screen View - Auto
It would be great to be able to activate the full screen mode automatically for example via the url. The point here is for auto-logon screens that are meant only for dashboard purposes.
Adding Images in Form Body and Descriptions
Currently, I am using Google form to capture responses because of the easy creation logic using section builder and adding images to the questions. It would be great if the smartsheet form had the same capability as google form with easy creation of logical questions by adding images with the questions.
Desktop app tab order
I am using the desktop app which keeps all my tabs open whenever the app is closed then opened again which is good, but it never keeps the order of my tabs. They shuffle around and then I have to drag them back the way I need them. So if they could stay in the place I drag them to after re-opening the app that would be…
Use a form to create a parent row with children rows underneath it
I want to have the form be used to create a row with child rows underneath it, so I don't have to keep doing this manually
Resize Image on Forms
Allow user to increase size of image on forms so that logos are more prominent and easier to read
Font/Color Change within a cell
We need to be able to show what changed in a cell. Example below
Delete Rows using an Automation
Please create automation to delete Rows. Using the move rows automation, we are able to move records to an archive sheet. The problem then becomes we have to manually delete records from the archive sheet.