Customizeable Gantt Headers
Right now, the Gantt header settings clearly show the calendar dates of a project schedule. We'd like the ability to customize the headers to Month-1, M01, etc, for a project to share illustrative timelines without disclosing start dates, as those can vary dependent upon when a client officially signs a contract. For…
Export a sheet with attachments preserving the row references
For various reasons, it may be needed to export the sheet with all their attachments while preserving the knowledge of which attachment belongs to which row. Solution examples: 1) A PDF binder where a click on the link would open the attachment, which is embedded in the binder. 2) A ZIP archive containing an Excel or HTML…
Validation Phone prefix countries missing
When adding a Field in a Form and adding a Validation Phone, there are several missing countries: Croatia, Indonesia, Mauritius, Morocco, Nigeria, Philippines, Serbia, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Vietnam, Uruguay and others. Would it be possible to check and update?
Ability to Publish Sheet and See Attachments/Comments but Not Download Them
Would love to be able to publish a sheet that allows folks access to see attachments or comments but does not allow them to download the attachments.
Increase limit of grouped and summarized report rows from 2500
Please consider increasing the limit of grouped and summarized report rows from 2500. This is a significant constraint we face daily. To work around this we are either limiting the information displayed by more than we desire, or creating multiple reports; both are considerable inconveniences to our leadership who need…
Include Row Hyperlink in Alerts
Any automated alert that references a row should have a hyperlink to the row referenced. There is currently only a hyperlink to the entire page. This should be possible as row links are available in row properties, so the metadata is there to leverage. Please make it happen Smartsheet!
Customizable Banner Messaging to Subscribers
It would be great if we could customize the banner displayed within sheets as done by Smartsheet to market new features so that SysAdmins could message to their users without the need to do by emails. Examples: Renewal survey is about to launch, Did you know you can go to our company resource dashboard by doing xxxx,…
WorkApps: ADMIN/Editor role
We have developed two end user workflows that are based around the work app. As of now I'm the only person who can edit the workapp we are using for multiple locations onboarding tracking. This a huge single point of failure. I should be able to add admins to this app to help respond to access request or help managing…
Audit logs with visibility into admin settings changes
Would like to be able to review changes made by systems admins to Enterprise account-level settings. All changes made to settings on the Security & Controls page: Permissions, Content and Chat Controls
Docusign SMS functionality
Can you please add the Docusign SMS field in the document builder Docusign E-signature functionality. Currently the e-mail filed is functional but in reality it is more reliable to use SMS when your sending sign request to the recepients. Cheers