I have a number of relatively complexly configured dynamic views (help text, display logic, etc.), and I need to preserve all of those features for each of the configurations (which I can accomplish v…
When working with a dynamic view that has conditionally formatted rows, it becomes difficult to see what row you are clicked on when making updates in the details pane. Also not being able to freeze c…
We would like Smartsheet to provide a mechanism to do a full backup and restore of related files. While a step in the right direction is the ability to restore to a previous version of a sheet, we fin…
Add feature to archive a workspace (without breaking any references within or outside the workspace) so that it is either moved under Archived folder or through appropriate implementation is hidden fr…
Similar to other form products (like Form Assembly), I would like to place/format fields within the form with more flexibility. At the most basic level, I'd like to place 2 fields, side by side. My pa…
It would be great if we had the option to group line items in a report by options selected in a dropdown column. Ex. If you are viewing projects within a global campaign and have "country" as a column…
A report must use a sheet’s primary column and the primary column must be in the first report column. Labels for report groups are displayed in the report’s primary column, so if you don’t want to vie…
It would be a great thing to be able to specify that a form be made inactive after a set # of entries. For example, my company is sending out an email with a link to a form created to gather demograph…
I have a pretty big dashboard of resources that are grouped under 9 headers. The top of my dashboard has a table of contents. Is there anyway to link a jump to those headers within the same dashboard?…
Hi Community, Welcome to the Product Feedback and Ideas space where you can help shape the future of Smartsheet! We really appreciate your feedback and will take all posts into consideration. Our prod…
I would recommend the following modifications to the User Type report export from the User Type and True-up page. -Add the First Name and Last Name of the users, whether Internal or Externals. Present…
I see that as far back as 2020 this has been asked, but I don't see the ability to create a report with the comment/conversations. Am I missing something? Thank you.