Direct Email Approval Button for Smartsheet Automation Workflows
Integrate a direct approval button within the email notification itself that allows users to approve or reject requests without the need to transition to a web browser. This button would perform the same security checks and record the same audit trails as the current browser-based approval, ensuring that the process…
Increased Expiry Limit for Attachments
We use the PDF generator tool to auto-generate thousands of approval letters each year. We then have an automaton set up to send the letters out the funding recipients. the validity period for the letters is 90 days, but the attachment link that Smartsheet sends expires after 30 days, meaning we get many requests from…
Print or Export Automated Workflows
Would love a feature allowing an automated workflow and its details to be printed or exported to PDF . Currently I'm taking screenshots and piecing them together for printing to markup, make notes, share with others and it's quite inefficient. Original discussion post @tadas34896 but couldn't find if he had posted in…
Add Descriptions to Automations
Hi, As a Smartsheet Admin, I want to have the ability to add descriptions to my automations to help other Admins understand how the automation works so people will leave me alone 😂 JK I mean so I can remember why the heck I set something up a specific way. 😜 Thanks a bunch!
Smartsheet Forms
I would really like to see a Form that you create in Smartsheet being able to be completed by more than one person - I need a form that can be sent to 3 different people to complete their own section of that one form. This cannot be done currently as each person would just see a blank form instead of the details from the…
Include DataMesh jobs under the sheet's Connections menu
Could you extend the Connections menu to include DataMesh jobs like it currently manages Data Shuttle jobs. This would be helpful to quickly access or even just view the mesh jobs associated with the sheet you are actively viewing or working on.
Automation Settings Should Be Kept When Saving a Template
Currently, If you update automation settings on a sheet, and then save the sheet as a template, the automation settings do not save. When using the template, all automation settings revery back to 'restricted'. All settings should carry over from the source sheet.
Copy attachment from one sheet to another
It would be helpful to have a way (with a formula using cross sheet references or via an automation) to copy an attachment from one sheet to another. For example, I have a Master Project List with a scan of the project paperwork attached, but would like it to copy to the Project Metrics sheet also.
Gantt View: Open to Today's Date for Everyone
If the sheet Owner or Admin decides to enable the Open to Today's Date in the Gantt View options this should pertain to all sheet users. Currently, the only sheet users this option works for is the Owner and Admin.
Automation Times
Would highly suggest allowing automations and automatic report emails to be able to send on 15-minute intervals instead of only at the top of an hour. The reports/automations can naturally be slightly delayed, so having them send out 15 minutes prior to a meeting (for example) would be extremely helpful. My team has a lot…