Dynamic View Logic should behave like Conditional Form Logic (aka "live")
Logic in Dynamic Views should work as it does in Forms - changes / info entered while filling out the form results in changes to the form based on established logic. Instead, DV Logic is applied only when a request is loaded or saved. This is a follow-up to an old discussion on Dynamic View logic behavior (here) PAIN…
Group Columns in Grid
Hi! I use a really large grid-style Smartsheet to track all aspects of project development and health. It would be very helpful to have a way of grouping columns. The hierarchy for rows works great, but I think with columns I am just looking for a way to clean up my views. I feel like the best (and only) solution right now…
Row automation - add to top of sheet
Add an option when using automation to move/copy a row to add the row to the top of the sheet.
Shortcut to Dashboard Header / Bookmarks
I have a pretty big dashboard of resources that are grouped under 9 headers. The top of my dashboard has a table of contents. Is there anyway to link a jump to those headers within the same dashboard? A link to a bookmark within the dashboard (not to another sheet)?
Add Column Description to Update Request
Include the column description when an update request goes out to provide some context to the column if it has a generic name.
Include Images in cells through Forms
Hello, I am trying to put together a simple order form for customers and I would like to include the images of the items that are available for customers to order. This way they know exactly what they are ordering. It is my understanding that this feature is not currently available. I would like for Smartsheets to consider…
Group WorkSpaces and organize them in "folders"
I would love to see a way for us to be able to "Folder-ize" WorkSpaces that have been shared to us by others. To be able to group those WorkSpaces by the department that it belongs with to make it easier to find and to support. Especially for those of us within our District who are the ones responsible for training and…
Add Work Insights to Dashboards
I am trying to add summary charts to a dashboard, however it requires numerical values which are impossible to add for what I am trying to show in the chart. Excel can easily create a variety of charts to show me how many cells in a column show specific data, and the Work Insight in Smartsheet also shows me the data in the…
Update Request Customization - descriptions and headers like a Form
The update requests are not always easy to explain with the limitations in the column header. It would be very beneficial and extremely useful to allow the user to create update requests like you would a form.
Multiple Line Entries with one Form Submission
It would be great feature if one form could be used to fill in multiple lines/rows on a sheet. This would be super useful for my team. As of now, form entries can only create singular row entries on sheets.