Conditional Formatting for Dashboard Metric Widgets
When using dashboard metric widgets, it would be helpful to be able to have conditional formatting features to compare performance to a KPI or otherwise enhance the metric display. Even if the data source document already has the conditional formatting existing, it will not transfer along with the data to the dashboard…
Automation Email Option to Link to the Published Sheet
Hi There-When you publish a sheet it gives you a link for anyone to access that has that link. But when you sound out automation emails, it generates another link that only those who have shared permissions to the sheet can open. It would be much easier if there was the option to use the published link in the automation…
Feedback on SCC Portfolio WorkApps
Hello Smartsheet Team, I wanted to provide feedback on the SCC Portfolio WorkApps. Our project blueprint assets consist of 98 pages, which exceeds the current 50-page limit for WorkApps. However, not all of these pages need to be included in the WorkApps, as many are only required for backend purposes. It would be…
Calendar View on Mobile Devices
My location uses mobile devices a great deal. Looking at a calendar on the Smartsheet app does not provide information in an user friendly way. Could you create a user interface that would be similar in style to Google's schedule format?
Calendar View in Dashboards for Mobile Devices
Hi, I've been waiting for quite a while for smartsheets to enable the calendar view on dashboards while on mobile devices for quite some time... As a workaround, I was able to sync my calendar to Google Cal so that it would at least open in a separate window, but as you can understand - it looks janky. When can we expect…
Ability to remove all source sheets from a report
I currently have a number of reports, which are having 100+ source sheets of active projects, once a project is complete I need to remove it from the report and respectively add new sheets. However, there's no easy way to remove those completed/cancelled projects from the report today, because I'll need to look at that…
Include additional advanced formatting options in Global Updates
Per this help article, the following aren't available to configure when making column-related Global Updates using Control Center: Currency Percentage Thousands separator Decimal places Date format This makes the implementation feel half finished, as you still have to go into each sheet and make adjustments. These should…
linking cells within the same sheet
I am trying to create a star or check box on my sheet that automatically checks if another cell has a "yes" answer. This would be super helpful and I see a lot of requests for something similar in the community. Please consider adding this function
Easier way to identify and transfer Premium App Assets from one user to another for System Admin
Currently there is no easy way to identify what premium app assets was created by the user who is leaving the company. (or left the company) System admin is not able to view assets created by the user for DataMesh Pivot Workapp System admin can view asset created by user but unable to transfer ownership: Data Shuttle Some…
Share Data Shuttle Workflows
We are fortunate to have multiple Data Shuttle gurus in our organization, but it has become difficult to track who owns the workflows that manage different dropdowns and sheet rows. It would be fantastic if there were ways for all users to easily identify what dropdowns/rows are being updated via Data Shuttle workflows,…