Gantt Timescale Settings Global Option
Problem: Our project has stakeholders who use free accounts and utilise the Gantt view. They can’t edit the view settings so it currently opens for them in 2023 (start date of project) and also does not show the year so it can cause confusion and annoyance. Solution: It would be great to have an option, in the Gantt…
Dynamic View - Conditional Formatting in Blank Cells
Dynamic View seems stumped by blank cells and doesn't properly apply conditional formatting. In the screenshot below, each of the white cells should have a color. As a workaround, we colored the entire column in the source sheet, which seemed to work initially. But then we realized that conditional formatting to change the…
Datasources for Dropdown Menus
A sorely missing feature from Smartsheets right now is the ability to link dropdown menus to a central datasource - currently when designing sheets with dropdown menus, you need to manually update every sheet where the list exists making change management a pain. If we could populate those dropdown menus from a reference…
SharePoint embed in WorkApps
Please enable Smartsheet’s approved domain and add SharePoint to embed content for WorkApps.
Resource Management - Ability to unlock time entry for the rejected hours only.
Ability to update only rejected hours at the time card level. Time Card has hours submitted for various projects that are potentially owned by different project owners. Current configuration is project owners are to approve time. If one owner approves hours on their project, but another owner rejects hours on their…
Resource Management Schedule View on Smartsheet Dashboard
Resource Management already has a great view on the Schedule tab to see if someone is over allocated but unless you have licenses for every user in Smartsheet only Management can use this tool. I would like to create a view/report per individual that looks the same as in the Resource Management Schedule tab and place it on…
Configure email address of workflow automation
Requirement: It shall be possible to configure the "local part" (before the @ symbol) from an email address which is used as automation address in Smartsheet workflows/automations. E.g. instead of automation@customer.com the local part (here: automation) shall be configurable and replaceable (e.g. support@customer.com) in…
Turn Off Batch Update Requests
Would recommend having the ability to turn off batch update requests sent from multiple rows from a sheet. Having it set as default is fine, however, we have had a lot of complaints from users that they can get confusing. When batched, they clear out the details we pull in from the sheet to the body of the request.…
Notifications when Comments are added to Proofs
Hello, I am using Smartsheet with my Team, but often do not get notified when there are comments added to a proof on my task list and people do not @ me, approve or require changes, or otherwise mention they've reviewed the proof elsewhere. This means I often have tasks sitting and waiting for me to actually click on…
Table in Forms
It would be extremely helpful to be able to add a data table to a form. I need to be able to ask users to provide details about, for example, grazing in multiple paddocks. My table would look like this: Column 1 Header: Paddock No. Column 2 Header: Crop Type Column 3 Header: Area Please add this to the list of development…