Change the default setting when sharing a sheet or report to "Editor Cannot Share"
The default setting should be changed to "Editor Cannot Share" for sharing sheets and reports. It is a security issue to have the current setting default to "Editor Can Share". We have to spend too much time training users in the difference between the two permissions and why it is important that we grant "Editor Can…
Resource Management - Hide Sheet Name in Workload Tracker
Il n'y a actuellement pas de moyen de modifier le suivi de la charge de travail pour afficher la description au lieu du nom de la feuille dans Smartsheet. Le suivi de la charge de travail affichera d'abord le nom de la feuille en gras, suivi du nom de la tâche. rendre possible un paramétrage pour que le nom de la feuille…
Multiple Hyperlinks
It would be extremely helpful to be able to put multiple hyperlinks in one cell.
Applying multiple Filter criteria in the Dynamic View!
I am really surprised the Dynamic view is only capable to filter a single criteria where it should be more functional, practical tool and allow you to filter down multiple criteria or scenarios, just like a regular sheet or report. I currently struggle with all my team members who report to the us on Dynamic view to only…
Add or Change Column Description through Global Update
Have discovered that column description additions or changes is not possible through Global Update. In order to change a column description now, I have to rename and hide that column (since you also can't delete a column through global update) and then add the column back in again with the desired column description.…
Multi-factor Authentication
In order to mitigate password vulnerabilities and attacks, please add multi-factor authentication to Smartsheet. It's a security best practice and most SaaS applications (such as Smartsheet) already has this integration available.
Increase cell character count
I use Smartsheet to document contract compliance. Sometimes compliance actions can take up to 2 years and I exceed the 4,000 characters in an excel cell. Is there a way to increase the # of characters in a cell?
Dynamic View - Visibility of Attachments & Comments
Dynamic View does not seem as user-friendly as in regular view/ sheet mode. Dynamic view - The attachments including photos are not viewable straight away as a small preview as they are in sheet view. It seems you need to download the image every time you need to view it. It also means when you view multiple photos, you…
Enhancement - Address race condition with Restricting a Dynamic view by Created By
Enhancement Request related to this post: Dynamic View filtered by "Created By" returns "Record no longer in view" on create — Smartsheet Community Conditions that cause the issue: Create a sheet that has an autopopulated "Created by" column. Create a Dynamic View that a user can add rows to. Set "Restrict view by current…
Workflow enhancement - copy a column/cell to another column/cell
A workflow enhancement that is similar to the Change Cell Value. However, instead of changing a cell, copy it to another cell. Use case: I have a formula that calculates a date. However, I want to keep the initial value of the date and therefore, don't want to reference the date formula because it will change. A workflow…