Don't Drop the Leading Zero in Form Submission
I have a simple form to capture the last 4 of a SS#. I restrict the text/number field to numbers only on the form, but the leading zero gets dropped. Answer from Support was to remove restriction of numbers only, which defeats the purpose of this feature. Please vote to have Smartsheet include logic that will not drop a…
Ability to save as new more than 100 files so the interactions remain
Currently there is a limitation to save as new and/or copy only 100 files at a time. This means if you have a workspace with more then 100 files that need to interact with each other for the dashboards to remain intact, you can't do it. You would need to copy it in pieces and repick reports, data for widgets, etc.
Default Behavior When Opening Workapps
Currently the default behavior when opening Workapps is filtered to "Workapps Shared With You." It should either open first to "All" or "Owned by you" or allow the user to select a default option that they want to see each time they open the app.
More Gantt Timeline Display Options
Due to limited screen space, I find the available Timeline Display options either far too dense to be useful, or too expansive. I propose: more Zoom settings. my issue is really that the zoom settings correspond to the heading incremements. my usability issue would be mostly resolved with more zoom level granularity. more…
Control Center Global Updates - Sheet Filters
Would love to have the ability to apply shared filters on a sheet via Global Updates. We have a project plan template in our blueprint and have created a standard set of filters (red tasks, yellow tasks, overdue tasks, etc) and would like to apply them to all active projects. The only option we currently have is to…
Sort Chart Data in Dashboards (Ascending or Descending or Alphanumeric Order)
Please add a feature that lets you sort your chart data in ascending order (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4), descending order (e.g., 4, 3, 2, 1) or alphanumeric order (e.g., 1, 2, 3, a, b, c).
Automatic WBS Numbering
We have a work around but it takes multiple helper columns and complex formulas. You need WBS numbering 1 1.1 1.1.1
Creating automations from reports
It would be super helpful to have the ability to create an automation/workflow from a report so that my team can get ONE comprehensive email/alert each week for a "request for updates" across all sheets that are being pulled into the report. It can be daunting for a user to receive a similar alert via an automation or…
Reduce Emails! Please Tweak New Assets Ownership Logic
Can you please make a slight enhancement to the new Assets Ownership Logic? To be clear, our team is in favor of the new Asset Ownership Model – it makes sense and ultimately is a good thing. That said, our team (30+ people) is dealing with an influx of emails because every time an individual requests access to specific…
Add Explicit Automation Order Execution
The ability to explicitly create an order of execution for automations rather than relying on the last modified date would be beneficial to Smartsheet Designers. My suggestion is to add a dependency dropdown box as part of the trigger box. The dependency dropdown box would self-populate with the names of automations…