Hi, regarding the latest comment feature, there should be a more convenient way to contribute to comments from within the sheet. right clicking or opening the side panel is a tedious to do at volume. …
In Excel you can customize formulas and drag and drop the information you want int Rows, Columns, Filters, etc... via Pivot Tables to build data points and summaries of large amonts of data. If we cou…
I'd like to connect Smartsheet with Onit via Data Connector. This would eliminate manual work and human error and would be much more efficient to the current process (downloading excel spreadsheets fr…
Being able to format the information in the description pane and Comments. At the moment anything more than 100~200 words is very difficult to follow. Bold/Italic/Underline Hyperlink Ordered/Unordered…
If I have a project and roles in each project. So, if I have a project details sheet, and project ID to role details sheet. Each project many have many rows in the role details sheet. Can we have a wa…
I just went through an update where I needed to manually add 3 new sheet references to 26 Stakeholder Registers (78 total). I wish that after you click Insert Reference, the Sheet Reference Manager di…
Currently the only adobe product listed on the allowed domains for embedding web content on a dashboard is Adobe XD, which is effectively being sunset. We create a interactive content using Adobe InDe…
Workflows cannot be updated except by the user that created them. This makes it very difficult to manage them by a team. Also, if the owner leaves the company, the workflow needs to be rebuilt. Workfl…
Hi Community, Welcome to the Product Feedback and Ideas space where you can help shape the future of Smartsheet! We really appreciate your feedback and will take all posts into consideration. Our prod…
It would be helpful to have the addition of days of the week in Timeline View! It's difficult to plan for weekdays/weekends. I can jump to calendar view, but when I go back to timeline view, it defaul…
I use timeline view to plan dates up to a year in advance. It currently defaults to the current date and I have to scroll all the way to future/past dates. It would be very helpful to have a "jump to …