Indent child records based on formula or automation
When adding new rows to a sheet, with a Parent ID number, the child line should indent under the Parent line. In the picture, When the child record Celia is added from a different sheet, via automation, it lands at the bottom of the sheet. We can do a sort by Parent ID and it will move the the right spot, but it's not…
Expand All/Collapse All Default View Setting
Would like to have the option to set the default view for a sheet with many parent/children rows, so that each time the sheet opened that default view would be shown. In other words, I'd love to have the default view at each opening of the sheet to show only the parent rows without having to choose collapse each time.
Include Images in cells through Forms
Hello, I am trying to put together a simple order form for customers and I would like to include the images of the items that are available for customers to order. This way they know exactly what they are ordering. It is my understanding that this feature is not currently available. I would like for Smartsheets to consider…
Expiration Date Area Under Bulk Management?
It would be great to have a central location to view and update expiration dates for all assets, both at the Brandfolder level and at the Collection level. It could look like the List View layout with columns for the Brandfolder level expiration, and then each individual collection expiration. With the amount of assets my…
Sheets Refreshing when you click a searched and found row
For some strange reason smartsheet has changed how the search works about 2 weeks ago. According to the technical support they have a reason, not explained to do this. In short previously when you searched for a row, maybe using client unique ID number, when the search finds the row(s) and you click on the found row, it…
Please let Smartsheet work with time
Sometime when doing sign ups we would like to be able to have a time format the same way we have a date format. It would help for signing up for shifts or would allow for a form that you can enter preferred times. Right now we ask people to use a certain format, but it would be great if it could be required so we don't get…
Right Click new Tab or window
Enable Standard Browser shortcuts - Smartsheet has disabled some standard browser functions. This is one of the top 10 complaints I get from users. you can not right-click and open anything in a new tab or window. You can not hit Ctrl+Click to open in a new Tab. Mainly the left toolbar. I would like to see all standard…
Show icons for proofs and attachments in board view
Hello! Can we please add the attachment and proof icons as a default in board view? My marketing and creative team is used to the card view for projects. They keep thinking that projects are missing attachments and proofs since the icons are not visible in card view. I have been advising them to switch to card view or…
Increase sheet row and column limits
Hi Guys, What is the possibility to increase the row (20 000) and column capacity? I'm working for a company that headcount surpasses the 20 000 mark which makes it extremely difficult to utilize smartsheets, which we really want to do. This would truly make a huge difference in building a database etc.
Formatting emails using automation
It would be great to be able to format the text of the emails that can be used for the workflows (bold, highlight, font, color). That would help make the text more readible for the recipient.