Turn All Automations Off or On
Sometimes i would like to implement changes to a sheet that would trigger automations that i don't want being sent out. One such sheet has several dozen automations. Turning them all off, implementing my change, and turning all the automations back on, could be a faster process.
Adding a date format for MM/YYYY
Can we add an additional short date format in a MM/YYYY style.
Add Email Distribution Lists Functionality to Contact Columns & Workflows
Our team and company use email distribution lists frequently, so it would be incredibly useful to be able to assign an email distribution list to a contact column and workflows so all members on that list would be notified accordingly.
Cell History in Sheet Summary Cells
It would be helpful to be able to look at the cell update history of cells in sheet summaries as you would any other cell in a sheet.
Report Creation tool within a sheet
One of my most frequent uses of Smartsheet is as an editorial calendar for a weekly newsletter. I create a new sheet for every month of the year. Exiting a sheet and creating a report is not too much of a hassle but, it would be nice if I could click a button within a sheet that automatically opens a new page that is a…
Allow Missing Attachment to be a trigger or condition for Automations
Currently, automations can be triggered by an attachment being added or changed, I would like the ability to use a missing attachment as the trigger or condition for an automation. This would allow a form to have attachments as optional while allowing for immediate follow-up. It would also allow for follow-up when update…
Dashboard and sheet chart graphics for ADA / color blind
I would like to have options other than color for reports/graphs that show texture on charts instead of color. This would help those who are color-blind read the data in a better format.
Conditional formatting based on attachments, comments, un/locked status, etc.
Hi Smartsheet, I'd like to see the ability to create conditional formatting based on if a row has attachments, comments, is un/locked status, etc. These features are in the "side margin" on the left hand side. ie. If a row contains an attachment change the font to BOLD. ie. If a row becomes locked highlight a cell a…
Enable Email Automations to Include Links to the Specific Row
When email automations are received, the user has a link just to that sheet and then has to navigate to find the right row, comment, attachment, etc. Is there a way to set up the email automation so that a link to the row is provided? It would save time if the user can click and be directly sent to that exact row to…
Comment Replies via Email in EU Smartsheet
Please note that this Product idea is specific to the EU instance of Smartsheet, as this feature/functionality already exists and works in "standard" Smartsheet. When using the @ feature for commenting, and then email goes to a User who has appropriate permission level, it would be super if the recipient could reply to the…