Auto Sort Sheet
Hi there, Is there functionality to have an auto sort of data so that I don't have to sort it every time I adjust something? Similar to Excel, where it remembers your sort order? Thanks.
setup form to retain last entries
all: is there a way to setup forms such that after submittal the last entries are retained (instead of deleting/erased) ? I have to collect multiple findings on 1 piece of equipment (~10-15), which requires multiple repeat entries for common info. This was submitted as a suggestion a while ago, with measured Zero response…
Auto-sort using API
I understand that as of now it is not possible to auto-sort columns in Smartsheet. But is there an API code that can be used to sort columns alphabetically?
Board view attachments and comments visible when double clicking like it was on card view
With the old card view, when you double clicked on a card you could see all the details in one easy view, including the attachments and cards associated with that row. With the new board view, when you double click you're only able to view and update the fields associated with that card. If you want to view the comments or…
Hi Team, I am trying to fix this formula but it keeps giving me an error #INCORRECT ARGUMENT SET Could you please help me fix this one it's kind of urgent to close. =IF([Calculation of Receivd to Warehouse]@row >= 31, "Delayed", IF([Calculation of Receivd to Warehouse]@row <= 30, "Expected next 30 Days", "Green",…
Auto sort
Checking if there's been any movement on having the sheets sort by data in a column as I see it's been requested since at least 2016. We have sheets that are sorted by a date that could be 2 days from the day entered or 12 months from the day entered. We also have a filter to hide past dates. Data is being entered via form…
Sort While Filter Is On
I am unable to sort while a filter is on. This is inconvenient. This is basic Excel functionality today. This should be updated within the new grids asap.
INDEX and MATCH across two sheets: a detailed explanation
Hello everyone, would love some feedback on this tutorial. I was answering a user's question regarding INDEX and MATCH (thread post here), and thought it would be beneficial to share my example to the greater Smartsheet community of how to easily utilize INDEX and MATCH functions to reference cells from another sheet by…
Sorting and Filtering
Hello, I have users who are wanting to sort their filtered view without impacting the data structure. I've seen in a couple threads now that the workaround is to build a report, but non-licensed users are not able to filter and sort within the report I made - so there's really no point to the report now. Does anyone have…
Reference to another Sheet Help Please
Hello, I am trying to create a metrics sheet in which it tells you the last time someone visited an area within the alst 30, 60, and 90 days based on a smartsheet form. However I keep getting an error sign. This is the reference sheet. I only want to count the areas rounded.