Checking Boxes if Date is Current Week
I am trying to develop a formula to check the box if the Date is today or within the last week(6 days). The formula that I have so far is =IFERROR(IF(AND(Date@row >= TODAY() - WEEKDAY(TODAY(), 1), Date@row <= TODAY() + (6 - WEEKDAY(TODAY(), 7))), 1, 0), "") However, the box is not checking.
Using formulas with cells linked to other sheets
I am pulling numbers from separate sheets into a common sheet. In this common sheet, I would like to subtract one cell from the other. Is this possible? I keep getting error messages, # INVALID OPERATION and #INVALID VALUE. I have checked that the column type is Text/Number back to the original sheet. Attach is a…
Dashboard Charts - Secondary Axis, additional data points, target line
Hello - It would be nice if we could add a secondary axis to charts to show additional data points in one chart. Attached is an example of this ability in excel.
Perform Count on "Year-Mon" extracted from Created Date
I have a working sheet that utilises the Created Date functionality by Smartsheet (DD-MM-YY HH:MM). I am looking to count the number of rows for every Month in a separate sheet to see new rows added over time. to extract the year-month i have created 3 additional columns: Year (=YEAR(Created@row) Month (=MONTH(Created@row)…
Wie hat Smartsheet Ihnen geholfen, Ihre Karriere voranzutreiben?
Hallo Community, SmartStories ist zurück und stellt die Stimmen der Community in den Mittelpunkt. Dieses Mal erzählen die Mitglieder, wie Smartsheet ihnen geholfen hat, ihre Karriere voranzutreiben. Schauen Sie sich das folgende Video an und lassen Sie sich von ihren Erfolgsgeschichten inspirieren! Ein großes Lob an die…
Workflow generating 2 of the same attachments ?
It doesn't happens all the time, only for some users that the Smartsheet workflow is generating 2 of the same attachments which is confusing and not the best documentation practice. how can i illimit this ?
Collections not available to enterprise user on multi year contract
Hello, Our organization is on a Enterprise multi-year contract that is not on the "new user licensing model". I am an EAP user and have lost access to Collections and File Library and I understand we will not receive any of the new updates unless we switch to the new user licensing plan. What is Smartsheet doing to provide…
Como o Smartsheet ajudou a impulsionar sua carreira?
Olá, Comunidade. As SmartStories estão de volta, destacando as vozes da Comunidade. Desta vez, os usuários revelam como o Smartsheet ajudou a impulsionar suas carreiras. Assista ao vídeo abaixo e se inspire em suas histórias de sucesso! Agradecemos aos membros da comunidade que protagonizam esta edição: @Darla…
コミュニティの皆さん、こんにちは。 コミュニティの意見にスポットライトを当てるSmartStoriesが復活します。今回は、Smartsheetがどのようにキャリアアップに役立ったかをメンバーが発表してくれます。以下の動画をご覧になって、メンバーのサクセスストーリーからヒントを得てください! この号で紹介された以下のコミュニティメンバーの皆さんに感謝の意を表します: @Darla Brownさん, @Michele Dareさん, @Marlana K.さん, @Prime Georgeさん, @Jwright8091, @danicaさん, @Jerry Melicharさん…
In che modo Smartsheet vi ha aiutati ad avanzare nella vostra carriera?
Gentili membri della community, vi riproponiamo SmartStories per dar voce ancora una volta ai membri della community. Questa volta i membri racconteranno come Smartsheet li abbia aiutati ad avanzare nella loro carriera. Guardate il video qui sotto e lasciatevi ispirare dalle loro storie di successo! Ringraziamo i membri…