Less round and less cartooney fonts and icons would be easier to rapidly scan and ingest
I see the aesthetics of the new, rounder and softer-edge fonts and icons in the menus, but from a user access and efficiency standpoint, do not like them. I want to be able to scan the sheets in my workspace quickly, and rapidly jump between sheets, and these new fonts and design elements are harder to read at a glance.…
Replacing First Two Numbers of a Barcode with 2 Letters
Hi, I would like to replace the first two numbers in column BARCODE 1 with two letters as in column BARCODE 2. For example, "10" in 104333 equals "SP", "20" in 2010651 equals "WA". Thanks for your help!
Unable to save error
This discussion was created from comments split from: Saving Error.
Combine Column in Report
This discussion was created from comments split from: Combining multiple sheets.
Chart widget not graphing dates correctly
I am trying to graph the costs spent on projects per month in th dashboard using the chart widget. The problem is when the project goes into the next year instead of setting the first months spend ahead the last month in the last years spend it moves it to be next to the same month in the previous year as seen in the…
Show Multiple Selections from Dropdown in Grid
I have created an Assigned Column using a dropdown list allowing multiple selections. In my grid - it only shows the first selection - not all selections. Is there a way to show all the selected choices in the grid cell?
Automatically enter date at start of month
Hello, I have a Smartsheet that I'm using to calculate monthly metrics. I would like the sheet to auto update as time passes to add a new line for the new month. The sheet currently has a column titled "Start Date" and the first 10 rows of the sheet are the first day of the month from Jan - Oct 2024. The automation I have…
Click on Sheet Name in row in Report take directly to row in source sheet
I spend a lot of time working out of reports but often find myself having to go to the source row. It would be helpful if clicking on the Sheet Name of the row in the report takes you directly to the row in the source sheet. Otherwise, you have to scroll through hundreds of rows to find.
Matching 2 Criteria in Source sheet to reference 2 other Criteria in Target Sheet
Hi, I'm trying to use 2 variable data points in a Target sheet to pull 1 data point from the Source sheet that shares the same Criteria and just got stuck, don't regularly use INDEX formula and looking for help - hope the below is detailed enough: Source Sheet: Source Sheet has a a "Supplier" column and "HV Breaker…
courriel dans la cellule de contact
Bonjour jai une automatisation de programmer pour "alerter une personne" avec le courriel dans le cellule de contact. la majorité des adresses courriels sont reconnus par l'application. Mais quelques une me revoie un message d'erreur, même si apres vérification, le courriel est conforme… jai besoin d'aide pour comprendre…