こんにちは。 コミュニティの他のメンバーたちについて知り、下のコメント欄で自己紹介してください。 話すことが思いつかず、インスピレーションが必要ですか?経歴、役職、Smartsheet をどのように使っているか、または使いたいか、自分についての面白いことや情報について教えてください。写真を添えると、ボーナス ポイントを獲得できます。 まずは私から!Smartsheet のコミュニティ マネージャーを務めているジュヌビエーブ (Genevieve) です。数式が Smartsheet のお気に入りの機能の一つですが、Bridge もそれに次いで同じくらい好きです。私はカナダ人ですが、英国に住んでおり、陶芸が好きです。…
Duplicate/repeat column settings
Hi! I tried looking for this question in various ways in the community group, as it seems fairly basic. However, I'm just not finding any keywords that are leading me to the same aspect I'm trying to figure out. Currently, I'm having to create multiple columns that are exactly the same setup - or close enough. I'd love to…
Issue: Smartsheet API Not Returning Data for Formula Columns in Sheets
I am experiencing an issue with the Smartsheet API where data from columns containing formulas are not being returned when querying a sheet. However, the same data is correctly displayed in the UI and can be accessed through reports via THE API. So I can access sheet data for formula columns via a report that points to…
Forms in Forms
I have a Smartsheet form made for people to fill out when they are requesting a training from my team. On that form, I am wanting to add in a document that they must fill out in order for me to get information from them such as First & Last Name, Employee ID, and other various employee information. With that being said, I…
Filter columns
I think there should be a feature where columns can be filtered just like how the rows can be filtered.
How do I pull the second name from a multiple-contact column?
In Smartsheet I have a contact column (Project Support) that can have up to three contacts (first name + last name), for example Jane Doe. I then have three other columns that pull the first contact, the second contact and the third contact. The first contact column is Project Support 1 and the formula is =LEFT([Project…
Calculating SUM of Duration
I have a Smartsheet (Sheet A) that I use to track projects assigned to each employee and the duration of that project (a Start Date, End Date, and a Duration column with a formula that shows the individual duration for a specific task). I have a separate Smartsheet (Sheet B) that I use for reporting purposes that looks at…
Dynamic Drop-Down
Does anyone know if the options in a drop-down can be linked to a table? I have a sheet that users can pick a "provider" from a drop down list. That provider is associated with a vlookup that helps to populate other columns in that sheet. However, the "provider" list is dynamic and changes when a new provider is added to…
Rename Bridge Workflows and Workspaces
Bridge is a lot of trial and error, and because of that we don't always know what a workflow should be named when we start. It would be incredibly helpful if we were able to change the name of workflows and workspaces at any time in the development.
Need help with Data/Chart Widget
I am working on a dashboard with various data points and had zero issues until I started the most recent widget. I am pulling from a simple report that has a list of staff members and their assigned work spaces. I keep getting an error that says the data cannot be charted… What is the limitation here? I made 4 other…