Seeing #UNPARSEABLE issue when applying formulae in the summary
Here is the formula I have =COUNTIFS([Level]: [Level], 1, [Status]: [Status], NOT(OR([Status]@cell= "Not Applicable", [Status]@cell= "Canceled")))-COUNTIFS([Level]; [Level], 1, [ECO Workflow]: [ECO Workflow], "ECO Implementation", [Status]: [Status], "Completed") I have cross checked spellings and quotations, could any…
Resource Management Schedule Zoom
Resource Management used to have the ability to zoom in and out in day view to show less days of the week. Smartsheet recently released an update that removed this feature and now you are forced to see a full 9 day period which is extrememly frustrating. It would be super helpful if smartsheet could add back that ability…
Can anyone tel me where am I supposed to find that YOUR COMPANY ACCOUNT button ? Can't see it anywhere. Thanks !
Data Table clean up
There is currently not a way to clean up data tables efficiently, only continue adding data to them. Would be good to be able to run some type of clean up on the table to remove data that is no longer needed. This would also help free up server space.
Using Multiple Forms to Update a Single Row
Is there a way to use multiple forms to feed into a single row? An example would be our orthopedics program. Our coordinator collects several pieces of information from multiple departments (OR, Pre-Surgical, Med/Surg Nursing Floor, Education, etc.) Can I build something so she can create a row per patient with their ID…
Remove Character Title Limits
There is a need to add more than 50 characters to a sheet title. This restriction should be removed to align with industry standard filename strategies. Unless the applicaiton is 32bit, there should be no reason to limit the titles of sheets. Due to this limitation, I have to abbeviate business terminology for all…
Alert if someone hasn't Posted
Trying to use the Forms to do a Daily Log of what people are working on with in there roles. al the Info just goes to a Big Splash sheet right now. but i am trying to think of a way to get an alert if people are not Filling this out. is there a way to set a work flow Alert someone if people are not filling this out? if i…
Resource Manager Advanced Report Field export selections
It would be nice to have the ability to select which fields we want to have exported to SS automatically vs. ALL of them. With the 500K size limit on sheet sizes and 68 columns of data getting saved automatically from the RM Advanced Reporting, we will be hitting size limits. Of the 68 columns of data, we may really only…
Apresente-se e conheça os seus colegas!
Olá, Conheça outros membros da comunidade e reserve um minuto para se apresentar nos comentários abaixo. Precisando de um pouco de inspiração? Conte-nos de onde você é, sua função, como usa ou espera usar o Smartsheet e um ou dois fatos engraçados sobre você. (Gostamos de saber sobre seus interesses e hobbies). Terá um…
Si presenti e faccia la conoscenza dei suoi colleghi!
Salve, Faccia la conoscenza degli altri membri della Community e dedichi un minuto a presentarsi nei commenti qui sotto. Ha bisogno di un po' d'ispirazione? Ci dica di dov'è, il suo ruolo, come usa o spera di usare Smartsheet e un paio di curiosità su di lei. (ci piacerebbe sapere dei suoi hobby e dei suoi interessi).…