CountIfs with criteria for location and month, return number of distinct users
Has anyone figured out how to use Countifs to define 2 ranges and criteria, then have the result be a number of distinct names (3rd column) I have read many of the posts, but I don't see anything that shows how to do this. Assume I have 2000 lines of data, I need to know the total number of distinct colleagues for the CTC…
Dashboard PDF
Is it possible to automate sending a PDF version of the dashboard to a group or manually selecting something to send a PDF of the dashboard to a group?
Change Case feature
Option to change the selected cell text to sentence case, lowercase, uppercase, capitalize each word, and toggle case, using a toolbar feature. To capitalize the first letter of a sentence and leave all other letters as lowercase, select Sentence case. To exclude capital letters from your text, select lowercase. To…
Create a what if scenario using a late start date
I am working with a project timeline with dependencies. I have set up 2 additional date columns for late start and late finish where the late finish date is a formula for late start @row + duration. How can I set this up to calculate all the dependent late dates for start and finish? For example, I have several activities…
Ability to update JIRA project spaces after initial save
Currently, once you save a JIRA Connector workflow you cannot add or remove JIRA project spaces to that workflow. This requires users to rebuild the workflow to adjust what JIRA project spaces the connector searches in. Using Smartsheet as an executive level PDLC reporting tool, this issue increases the manual work…
Formatting issue with my rowID field, anyone notice anything like this before?
I've used this same formula in a few sheets now. In the past it's looked like the first screenshot below. Using the same formula in any new sheet I create it's now putting the expected values for the second line on a third line below the "-", seen in the second screenshot. Here's my formula: =Account@row + "- " + [Story…
Data Shuttle: Missing Rows/Entries
I have two workflows in DataShuttles set up to track costs on a monthly basis in a single sheet. One workflow is called "Current Month Cost" and the other is "Previous Month Cost." The sources are excel files from an external database that I have no control over. Every month, I take the previous month's excel file and run…
Update multiple sheet column dropdowns from one source sheet using Bridge
We have a master project list that we reference to update project select dropdowns on 50+ sheets in our solution. We'd like to use Bridge to update all of those dropdowns, but we haven't found a way to update multiple dropdowns with one workflow. The workflow works fine for updating one sheet (the circled portion below),…
Conditional Formatting on Sheet and Row Level
Dear Smartsheet Development Team, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to suggest an enhancement to the conditional formatting features in Smartsheet. As a frequent user of your platform, I have found that while Smartsheet offers robust functionalities, there are limitations in the conditional formatting…
Embedding forms into Outlook Emails
Hello - I have just read a post from the community board last year (5/19/2024) where Smartsheet users were asking about embedding a form into an Outlook email - and not as a link but copying the finished form into the email. I would also like to endorse this feature. I'm not sure if this can be done because of the features…