New Personal Profiles, Improvements to Card View, and More
Our new release focuses on more visibility with your collaborators using Personal Profiles, more visibility in Card View with displaying subtasks, and the ability to preserve Notifications when making a copy of your sheets. Let’s take a look at these new features: Personal Profiles—Add more information to your account to…
New Functions and Notification Controls
Hello Smartsheet Community! Happy Monday! We released some new features over the weekend. Below is a description of the new features and relevant help content to learn more:* Three New Functions:* SMALL—Find the n-th lowest value in a range. * LARGE—Find the n-th highest value in a range. * COLLECT—Used within another…
Improvements to Help, Activity Log, Branding, and Navigation
We’re releasing a new update this evening (June 20th), here’s what to look out for: In-line Formula Help—Quickly see syntax for formulas as you type them in a cell. We’ve also revamped our Functions content in the Help Center, which you can find at https://help.smartsheet.com/functions Activity Log—View the Activity Log of…
New: Saved Filters, Search, Comment Updates...and More
Hello Community, There are some great new enhancements in this month’s release. See below for a summary...and, as usual, you can always check out the product release notes for the whole rundown. For your convenience, I’ve also included here links to relevant Help Center content. Happy exploring and reading! 1. Create,…
New in Smartsheet: Find and Replace Within a Sheet and Identify Web Form Responses
Make your key processes in Smartsheet more efficient. Whether you’re conducting a survey, gathering feedback, tracking IT tickets, or reusing workflows, Smartsheet’s newest features help you save time requesting information and updating text. You can now find and replace text in sheet data so you can quickly update your…
May Feature Release
Our new release includes features to help you define what kinds of information can be inserted in your sheets. Let’s take a look at these new features: Data Validation: Allow Only Specific Values in a Column Use this feature, for example, to prevent collaborators from entering free text in a Dropdown column and make sure…
Updates to the Smartsheet Community Experience
Hello Community, You may already have noticed that things look a little different here—we’ve upgraded the site to make it speedier and easier to use: * The upgrade includes a new text editor that you’ll use for discussions and comments. You’ll now be able to check spelling before you post. * Replies to posts are threaded,…
Engage 2017 User Conference: Take Advantage of Early Bird Registration
Hello Community! I just wanted to take a moment and make sure that the Smartsheet Engage 2017 conference is on your radar. This is the first ever Smartsheet user conference. It’ll take place in Bellevue, WA, September 18-20. Register before June 30 to receive the early bird discount. All of the conference details are…
New Feature Release: Activity Log
Yesterday, we released an exciting feature—Activity Log! Track views, changes, and deletions to data (even rows) by clicking the Activity Log tab at the bottom of a sheet. This feature is available to licensed users on Business plans and eligible (post December 2016) Enterprise plans that are shared to a sheet with Editor…
Help Us Make Templates Easier to Find
Our UX team is currently conducting a card sort survey to help make our templates more easily discoverable. We're looking for people who have used Google or Microsoft products who are willing to share their thoughts on how best to organize Smartsheet templates. The survey shouldn't take more than 10-15 minutes of your…