Excel Tab Changes Impacting Data Shuttle
Hi - I have a data shuttle set up from a shared Excel file into a smartsheet that I use to basically alert me when changes are made to the excel by users other than myself. When I set up the data shuttle, the tab that I was referencing was Tab 1. Now the users have moved the tab and it is Tab 3. Do I need to update my Data…
Is it normal that drop-down list uploaded by Data shuttle doens't allow multi-selection ?
Hello, I just noticed this issue: I had a workflow from Data shuttle to sync a drop-down list of employees in one of my form. In this form, I have the option "mutliselect", but when I go in the field, whenever I select an additional employee, it deletes the previous one, is it a normal behaviour or a bug on my side (we are…
How to delete/transfer existing JIRA connector workflow which was created by EX team member
For one of my existing intake process, we have connected the same with Jira board using JIRA connector and now the connector is not working and person who created has also left organisation. I am not able to create another workflow for the same sheet as its restricted and i am not able to delete the existing workflow as…
Automating Invoicing
Hello, I am trying to wrap my head around how I can get smartsheet and the Generate documents function to create an invoice based on a form submitted. I was able to figure out the right balance in the form itself and how to connect the fields to populate each invoice. Where I am having issues, is each form submitted can…
Using IFERROR Formula - Still getting UNPARSEABLE error
I'm calculating a Burn Rate Percentage so it's using a basic calculation FORMULA =[Column4]@row / [Column2]@row --> This works fine However when one of the Column is a ZERO, I get a #DIVDE BY ZERRO error displayed. To address this error, I used an IFERROR but it's giving me an "UNPARSEABLE" error. I want the cell to…
Manufacturing Production Report
Hello, I work for a relatively small manufacturing company where our production managers meet every single morning, give their production numbers, headcount, etc to the manufacturing managers for them to enter the data manually in excel every morning. We created a form in Smartsheet for the production managers to enter…
Dynamic View not allowing editable field
Hi, I have 2 fields in my Dynamic View that are built exactly the same way. One is showing as Read Only and the other Required. They both need to be Required. Anyone else having this issue? I just built this last week and was working correctly until today.
Bridge Workflow - Runs with no Errors but doesn't copy data to column. Am I missing modules?
I have a Bridge Workflow that is set up to copy data from a row/column to the same row/different column. The workflow runs with all module steps "SUCCEDED". However, the end result is not copied in my Smartsheet's target column. Its blank. Am I missing a module or module steps to complete the copy routine? -- Here's a…
Need to update a field in Document Builder that uses Docusign
Hello, I inherited a sheet that uses document builder and docusign to generate a letter that has to be signed by multiple people. I understand that in the template editor the fields that in blue refer to columns in the generating sheet. However, I need to edit the options for a field that is not in blue, and I cannot…
How to hide attachments and Comments in Reports within WorkApps
We have some internal sensitive data saved as attachments that we do not want our clients to see. I have hidden the Attachments and Comments Column on the Reports and saved them as View Only within WorkApps. However, the users can still view the attachment even though I have hidden the Attachment column, by right clicking…