Data Shuttle deleting my whole sheet??
I have a mystery with my Data Shuttle workflow and I cannot figure it out. I have been using it successfully for the past several months and today for some reason, when I upload a new attachment, it deletes all my rows in my target sheet. The unique identifiers are still the same and I cannot figure out what is different…
Why is Dynamic View adding quotation marks to drop down selections?
Hi, I noticed that quotation marks are appearing around particular dropdown selections w/in dynamic view, that are not present on the master sheet. other dropdowns in the same column do not have them. Why would this be the case, and how do I fix {since they are not present in the drop downs} ? Thanks!
Data Shuttle Major Inconvenience
I have a database sheet with 3 different product types. Each product type feeds 2 sheets to update dropdowns for those product types (15 columns of dropdowns per product type per sheet). So I've got 6 data shuttle workflows that were needed to update all of the dropdowns I need to keep updated. I just added a new column to…
Jira to Smartsheet connection
HEllo, I am trying to perform some simple Smartsheet - Jira connection, but I do not know how to enable this function in the new smartsheet. I can see the Jira connector in one of my old SS's but in new, this option in not abaliable. Do you know what should be enabled in order to get connection options?
Can't always open calendar details on Smartsheet Calendar app
For some reason, I can't open all of my rows on the Smartsheet calendar app when I click on it for more details. When I click on some, it does nothing. If I click on some others, it will open and I can click back to the row that didn't open and it will open with job details. I narrowed it down to rows that are duplicated…
Resource Management - Locked Hours in a Deleted Leave Type
We were experimenting with Leave Types and then decided to delete them. There was some time left on one of the deleted Leave Types. It is now showing locked and that it can be removed by an Administrator. I am an Administrator, but I can't remove it. I have tried recreating another Leave Type with the same name. I have…
Data shuttle - is there a limit to amount of workflows you can create?
I'm using data Shuttle for numerous workflows to upload data from Box to Smartsheet. Currently I probably have close to 100 workflows. Is there a limit to how many workflows I can create ? Also, will it impact performance if there are too many workflows running daily?
Showing percentages as whole numbers in Dynamic View
Hi, I have a Dynamic View of a sheet that uses percentages. They show up, however, with 13 decimal places even though they are whole numbers in the original sheet. How can I fix this issue and show the percentages as whole numbers in Dynamic View? The percentage is calculated in the original sheet using the formula…
Control Center Global Update - Add new column with multi -select dropdown
Hi, I'm unable to create a global update to add a new column with a multi - select dropdown . I tried also to add to to the template and chose add from existing and it gave me error "Error (1060) Column options are not allowed for Column type TEXT_NUMBER" -- This was not a text column it was a multi-select dropdown column…
Use Smartsheet as Site Survey App
Hello! I am wondering if anyone in the Community has customized Smartsheet and uses it as a form for collecting data during construction site surveys. After the questions, photos, and videos are collected through a form, I would like to be able to generate a custom report with all the details.