Back to View - View not Displayed
I am setting up a Dynamic View to allow requestors monitor HR actions without making changes to the sheet. I am testing the View to ensure it works and am not able to see any lines that should be available to me to see. I have logged out and back into Smartsheet and I have restarted my computer. I only have the one…
How much does Data Shuttle cost?
Hi We're evaluating Smartsheet initially to create a simple CRM but it looks like there could be many other use cases for us. But all would involve data that is generated/updated by other systems - integration via CSV files is fine. So we would need Data Shuttle.I am finding it impossible to get price information for this…
Calendar View Integration with Outlook Calendar by filtration
Is there a way if I were in calendar view and have a filter setup (filtered by 1 specific name and task) I can have it integrated into Outlook based on that one filter instead of it all row submissions dumped into my outlook calendar at all?
The smartsheet power automate 'insert row' function treats numbers as text
I am pulling data from an erp system an pushing it into a smartsheet using PowerAutomate and the available PowerAutomate connector action 'Insert Row' -- the input data to that function is numeric but it is showing up in Smartsheet as text. is there anyway to get it to populate as numeric or do we have to do a formula on…
Adding multiple lines to a metric?
Hi all is there a way to add multiple lines to a metric? As an example, I'd like to add a sum of the cost below the metric in the same bubble, I have both the sum of renewals & dollar amount in my pivot, just wondering if I can link both to one widget rather than creating another.
How do I get more column options and labels in Office timeline
Using office timeline, why can't I select all of my columns? the template I want to use has all of these different column options and left column organizers (see photo), but when I import my data using the same template, this is what mine looks like
ODBC Connection fails from SSIS and Excel - SSO Token configuration
We use VPN, single sign on from Office to SmartSheet and I got my SmartSheet token generated. I have ODBC 64bit connector installed and configured with my email and the token. I tried to connect from MS SQL SSIS 19.1 TITLE: SQL Server Import and Export Wizard The operation could not be completed. ADDITIONAL…
Different contact information depending on single or multiple contact columns in Power BI
Data exported from Smartsheet with individual contact columns is displayed in Power BI as email addresses. Multiple contact columns, on the other hand, are displayed in Power BI as user names. Is there a way or a setting to make this consistent? Imported into Power BI using the Smartsheet Connector: Thank you for your help!
Import Microsoft Excel vs Data Shuttle - Not Consistent
I'm running into an issue between how Import Microsoft Excel works vs Data Shuttle. I have a csv file from GA that looks like this Nth week Average engagement time per active user 0000 112.22953736654804 0001 70.001269035533 0002 64.25891677675033 It gets imported with the first column losing the leading zeros. Then there…
Integration of Smartsheet to TaxWise software
Hello, I have documents stored per row for each tax filer in the sheet. However, to enable seamless operation, the tax preparer would like the documents to be automatically transferred to the filer's account on the tax preparation software called TaxWise. Does anyone have any idea how this can achieved ? I’d really…