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Discussion List
Simple text field option
For a specific row I want to add some notes, more notes than the note column will take, can't use the discusssion option because I want to be able to edit these notes, don't want to attach a googledoc because it just takes too long and I want it integrated in a simple text format. So a small icon to the left that pops open…
Sharing Worksheet- Removing a person
I copied an worksheet to create a new worksheet that I am working on. Since this worksheet was copied the old owner is still a owner on my worksheet. I would like to remove the old owner from seeing my new worksheet. There is two owners on the worksheet. How do I remove the old owner from the worksheet.
Attached Documents and Conflicted Copies
On occasion, our functional teams need to edit/add/subtract information from documents attached to specific project lines. The version history information helps us untangle the “conflicted copy” mess we get into sometimes and it seems that Smartsheet isn’t in business to become a document management system. Minimally, it…
Repeatable Task
Hello, Is there anyone using a Smartsheet for employee leave or schedule tracking that has found a way to create a repeatable event such as a reoccurring schedule or leave (like telecommuting or alternate schedule). Thank you, Jay
How can I quickly add a RYG ball to all rows in a sheet?
When starting a new sheet, I would like to apply the green ball (status) to all rows. Is there an easy way to do this so I don't have to go through each individual column and select the green ball?
Discussion row is gone. How do I get it back
Hello, I am attaching a screenshot, because I don't know how else to explain this - my discussion row is gone. How do I get it back? - Adam
Training Observation Form
I'm working with another department to create a trainer observation form in Smartsheet. The form is pretty long and has a lot of categories. When I started working with it the number of columns grew quite large. Does anyone have experience doing this in Smartsheet? Any tips? Thank you, A. Lopez
Update Requests Limited?
I am sending update requests for a sheet that has initial items filled in by formulas - dates, as well as "Yes/No" dropdown selections. This makes it easy for the person who starts with this template to put in suggested initial dates, then ask for exact dates from these directly involved. In the sheet the editor can…
today() function
I would like to conditionally format date columns based on whether something is past due of not. Can I automate that in smartsheets?
Contacts - name and company as ID
I am using Samrtsheet where I invite many participants to view or edit the sheets. Often I also have man y different users (contacts) that should be assigned to a task. The problem occurs when I have contacts with the same name e.g. John Johnson. It would be very beneficial to have a Company or another ID to deferenciate…