Copy of standard % Completed column
I'm looking for the option to have 2 columns with % Completed, to compare actual with the baseline. one standard functionality with Actual value, second that I want to create to use as a baseline value Is there a way to copy/create the same column as % Completed ?
Reference a value from 1 sheet in a formula
Is there a way to reference a specific value from one sheet into a formula on a different sheet. For example Sheet 1 Row 1 Column 1 has a value of 5 Sheet 2 would like to reference Sheet 1, row 1, column 1 in a simple SUM formula =SUM(Sheet1:Row1Column1+Sheet2:Row5Column3) If Sheet 1 Row 1 Column 1 has a value of 5 and…
Lable Status Dots
There are three dots: red, green and yellow. I wanted to know if you can label them anything you want to. When we were playing around with it we were able to either do Lables or Colored dots. Is there a way to have both?
Calendar view of a Report in Sights
I'm trying to get one of my Reports to appear in a Sight dashboard as a calendar, but it only shows as a gantt chart... help!
Linking within same sheet
I have a sheet with numerous calculations, one being a constant for "invalid" and a number. Instead of having to key in the number for invalid in each of the computations, I was trying to link to single cell where I would key it in once. I can link to other sheets but not the same sheet as in Excel with + feature. Does…
Deleting Sheets that I can't see?
I recently became a Smartsheet admin for my company, though someone else is still the official plan administrator (when it comes to billing, etc.). People have been asking me to delete sheets for them, sheets that I cannot see because I don't own them nor am I shared to them. Is there a way to see all sheets in our…
Upload Files - Upload Window Obstructs the View
When uploading files, I have to upload one at the time and then wait until the first file has been uploaded before I start with the 2nd file, because the Upload Window is covering the entire screen!! It did not use to be like this a few years ago. This is really, really slowing down my work. Is there anyway this window can…
Enhancement Request: Cleanup up duplicate sharing on sheet moves
When I move a sheet from Sheets to a Workspace, the existing sharing (which by definition is at the Sheet level) is preserved, even when it duplicates (email address and permissions) the shares to the Workspace. Please remove the Sheet level sharing for this case. This request has also be posted to the WebForm Craig
difficult or unstable to access SmartSheet
Hello SmartSheet, Recently, my colleagues who work in Weifang China told me that it's very difficult to access to SmartSheet. The issues are: * Sometimes we can access it very well while sometimes it's impossible even to open it; * It will take us long time even hours! to open it. * We have tried different exploers, such…
Calendar View Month has 6 weeks?
April 2017 is an aberration. It spreads across 6 calendar weeks. So is July, so maybe not so rare. Is there a way to show the entire month in Calendar View? (I doubt it) Craig