Converting University semester weeks into calendar dates
Hello, Can you help me convert University Semester Week Numbers into calendar dates? Can I use a conversion sheet to do this? For example, Spring Semester begins January 17, 2023- week 1. Can week one be converted to January 17, 2023? Thanks!!
Calculated Days Delayed. weeks delayed
I have to count Days delayed; week delayed. from the dates below. I am not sure what formulas i should use. I was first going with FinishDate - Duration but that wouldn't work since the duration is calculated between Start and Finish.
Hi I am using a COUNTIF formula to count the number of projects, from my central intake sheet, that belong to a particular portfolio, have one of two status and belong to a particular programme e.g. Bus. Ops. Portfolio, Premises Programme with a submission status of Prioritised or Approved - Awaiting Prioritisation. The…
Referencing Status Codes by Color for At Risk Formula
I would like to mark tasks with an "At Risk" check if we are within 3 days of the "End Date" and the "Status" is NOT green. The status column is currently as follows: =IF(AND([End Date]@row < TODAY(), Complete@row = 0), "Red", IF(Complete@row = 1, "Green", "Gray")) I've seen formulas to incorporate the "At Risk" check…
Need text response in cell if criteria are met or not.
Greetings- I have 6 columns with symbols. I have a working formula if all 6 columns have a green check the column before shows the words "All Approved" and the cell goes green. This works just fine. What I cant get to work is if one of the columns has a red X or more then one red X the first column reads "Denied" (and the…
Formula issue with #NO MATCH (Using IF and IFERROR)
Hi I have the following formula: =IF(AND([Attended over 6 months]@row = "Green", Interview@row = "Green", [Referee Check]@row = "Green", [Blue Card Linked]@row = "Yes"), "Yes", IF(OR([Attended over 6 months]@row = "Yellow", Interview@row = "Yellow", [Referee Check]@row = "Yellow", [Blue Card Linked]@row = "Hold"), "Hold",…
Pull Price from Products Sheet
Hello! I have a products sheet with all of our prices on it. The prices change from time to time so I want the separate order sheets to change automatically when a price changes. So if a customer puts an order in on their sheet, if the product matches a product on the products sheet, I want it to pull the price per item to…
Formula for totaling a sheet cell via a form...
Hi All, I am struggling to figure out a way, which I hope is ironically simple, to use a form for input data to modify a running total of something. My riveting scenario is as follows: I made this nifty form that works well on mobile for employees in the field to provide needed data easily. My issue is taking this…
Update Symbol based on another sheet's Symbol
Simple question that I'm frustratingly close to figuring out. On Sheet A, I have a column for a list of {Operators} with a {Discipline} column next to it, indicating whether or not said Operator is cleared on said Discipline. We're using the "Yes," "Hold," and "No" symbols. On Sheet B, I have, essentially, the exact same…
Help with formula that has negative numbers
Hi, I am trying to work out a formula that would return the below # value so I can then change status in a different column 0% to 25% = "1" 26% to 100% = "2" -1% to -25% = "3" -26% to -50% = "4" -51% to -100% = 5 this is the formula that I am trying to get to work, it only gets so far and then stops. '=IF([% Completed Vs…