Side-by-side fields in Forms
Similar to other form products (like Form Assembly), I would like to place/format fields within the form with more flexibility. At the most basic level, I'd like to place 2 fields, side by side. My particular uses would be: Dependent Name: Dependent Age: And also: Income Type: Income Amount: I actually could use more than…
Update API to support new user subscription model
We need the API updated allow for us to manage the new user subscription model. Specifically, we need the new user types returned from your users endpoint (Member, Provisional Member, Viewer, Guest) along with the supported event counts over a period of time that one of our users took an action that qualified them for that…
Adding Google Looker Studio to Smartsheet
We are now using a new capability in our company called the looker studio to chart some dashboards and it has proved to be excellent. It's just that we don't have a way of incorporating looker into Smartsheet, if that could be done we could have a two way route between the two tools and derive maximum output from our work.
SmartSheet new user subscription model (USM) - provisional status
Currently, there is no notification / pop up / label / status etc, for an end user to know and realize that they become a provisional status user type (and will be either upgrade to Member or downgrade to Viewer at the next true-up / reconciliation) This indication is essential and important, as the end user should know…
Automations: include attachments
When selecting attachments for an Automation Workflow, we should have the option to include all the attachments in the notification email instead of sending only the last attachment if it was attached after the last save of the sheet.
Removing the "Comments" tab from Reports
Hello, everyone! Automated Reports that export as an Excel file attachment come with the report on one worksheet tab and a second worksheet tab called "Comments." I don't need the "Comments" worksheet, but there is no setting to remove it. Can we add that as a setting?
Group Multi-Select Dropdown and Multi-Select Contact Columns within Reports
It would be great if we had the option to group line items in a report by options selected in a dropdown column. Ex. If you are viewing projects within a global campaign and have "country" as a column with the fixed values for all the available countries. It would be nice to be able to run a report where you could group…
Approval Workflow with additional actions
I have an existing workflow that notifies a supervisor that a part request has been entered. The supervisor needs to approve the request. If approved, I'd like the supervisor to answer two additional questions (without) having to go into Smartsheet. Ideally they would be able to: Approved: Yes/No Is this related to a…
Lock single cell
It would be very useful to lock a single cell. I see it's been asked many times on the community but I did not find anyone submitted it as an idea
Read Only fields on emailed Request for Update
Hello, In my work case I would like the ability to send read-only fields on a Request for Update, to give context to the request and allow different parties to process their relevant information. They do not need to change any of the read-only information during the steps I en-vised, though they do need to enter some other…