Character Limit on Grid Dropdown
Hello, I believe increasing the character limit in the dropdown cell type in the grid would be significantly beneficial. 250 characters per item is not enough for some "wordy" options.
Allow Count Unique Values Only In Report Column Summary
In addition to being able to count and sum a column in a report, I'd like Smartsheet to be able to count UNIQUE values within a group. For example, I have a report shows me all tasks from multiple projects and groups by project manager. If I try to count the Project column to see how many projects each Project Manager has…
"Super" or "Parent" Workspace
Hi, I would like an option to designate a workspace as a "super" or "parent" workspace. The reason behind this is I need to allow each company into a workspace to interact with the project objects. I absolutely cannot allow more than one company into the same workspace. Managing several projects for several different…
Disable/Enable all sheet automation with one button
I have sheet s with 10 or more flows, would be nice to enable/disable them all at once for data migration or fixes needed.
Collapse Workspaces when searching for source report for dashboard report widget
Today, when adding the reports widget to the dashboard upon clicking for the source report user is presented with the dialog with all the reports across the Workspaces and this list is expanded by default making it difficult to scroll and look up (yes there is search but when you have reports with same name across folders…
Add New Template Sheets to Existing Project Workspaces In Bulk Via Control Center
Currently you need to manually add a new "optional" template to each project one by one. This is incredibly time consuming. We need a global update option to add a new template sheet to all existing projects automatically.
Download ALL Pages in Template as PNG
We have a need to download ALL pages designed in templates as PNGs. We create customizable art for social media and currently BrandFolder only allows you to download the first page of the template art unless it's a PDF. This renders other pages in the template worthless. We should have the capability to download every…
Need better automation between sheets
Rather than having the automation rely only on the sheet that is associated with (or "owns" the automation), we need for a trigger on one sheets automation to also kickoff an automation on another sheet. Even better, allow better automation between sheets using the automation triggered from just one sheet. For example, I'd…
Need more granular automation start times
Rather than just allowing time triggers each hour of the 24-hour clock, we need to allow specific times (including minutes) to the trigger start time. For example 1:15am instead of just 1:00am.
Card view on mobile app of reports.
We have built a production log that gets regular status updates throughout the production process. The main sheet where all data is entered is not available to the majority of our users as there is some sensitive information in there. We have created a report that shows them only the columns needed for the production…