I would like to see conditional formatting rules that can be applied to other columns. For example, we have two columns for each of our KPIs. One column reports the target turnaround timeframe. The other column reports the actual # of days it takes to complete an item. For our surveys, our target turnaround timeframe…
When using a scatter chart any value of 0 is plotted on the axis. It would be great to have an option to toggle off displaying these values. It crowds the scatter plot with junk information. Here is a before and after example where I use a formula on the metrics sheet to change any zero values to null values. With 0 Values…
There should be a mechanism to e-mail all users in a Group from Group Management. This would be helpful to send a message for something that affects all users in the group.
If a dropdown list can have multiple values in a cell it adds an option to 'Select All'. There should be an option the in properties to hide this where selecting all values makes no sense.
Please allows colour with effects on them in Gantt chart bar colours. Would be great to has a dotted, cross-hatched coloured bar.
Issue - If you have multiple groupings in a Report and you want the report to be Collapsed. There is no way to select what grouping you want to stay open/closed. In my example, I want the Region level to be shown but not the Quarters. there is no way to pick which group is the priority to stay open or closed. I think…
I'd like to be able to label documents with different levels of confidentiality or viewing permissions. This will allow us to upload more documents and not have to worry about an outside vendor (utilizing Dynamic View) or anyone we don't want having the visibility to them. With this ability and being able to label the…
Smartsheet needs to have separate column types for text and numbers. I saw a discussion about this back in 2017 but it had been archived. The response from Smartsheet was rather dismissive, saying it would be more complicated and add more administration. I disagree, maybe more work for Smartsheet developers, but would be…
Hello -it would be great to be able to use a group already established in SmartSheet to fill/populate a drop list for a data point. Example - we have a SS group created for 40 project managers, I would like to type the name of the group in the drop down and the 40 names populate in the drop down list without having to type…
Hi, Another 2 cents from me; When for example adding a Dashboard in a Folder I am working in, and after that adding a Widget in that said Dash (like a Chart); When clicking Add Data the standardfolder is top domain. It would be nice that the folder is actually the one I am working in in stead of having to open the folder…
Hi Community, Welcome to the Product Feedback and Ideas space where you can help shape the future of Smartsheet! We really appreciate your feedback and will take all posts into consideration. Our product team will review top ideas and requests monthly and we'll share updates as soon as we get them. Remember: if you have a…
When running data shuttle from external sources into Smartsheet we need to set up target sheets and in doing so we need to add multiple columns so they match the source column headers. I find it extremely inconvenient that the capability is limited to adding only one column at a time in a grid view. We should be able to…
As of today, the activity log doesn't represent all of the activities undertaken on the sheet. For example, if a row hierarchy or conditional formatting has changed, columns formatted/hidden/unhidden or removed, it won't show up on the activity log in detail. This is difficult when we are trying to investigate the root…
In Forms when you set a field to be validated as Numeric, it would be nice to be able to show a field based on the number being =, >, <, <>, ⇐, >=. I have seen questions on this, but couldn't find a submitted idea.