We're trying to build a survey out and the biggest feedback we're getting from a major school district (one of the largest in the US) is the fact there's only 1 file upload folder. While yes you can upload multiple items there, they'd really like to be able to add it after certain questions and have it all compile in the…
I'd love to see the addition of columns to this widget. When I use it on a dashboard, it would be great to have the option of multiple columns to make the page easier to read and condense the information of free form text.
Currently, there is no functionality to allow users who have Admin / Edit access to a dashboard to edit that dashboard in Workapp - there is only view or hidden functionality. This means that the user has to be led away from the Workapp to edit the dashboard instead of being able to stay in the Workapp to complete the…
Currently, after selecting a Workspace from the Browse panel the initial screen displayed has six columns displayed: Select (checkbox; ☑️) Favorite (star; ⭐️) Name Sharing Owner Last Update It would be great to be able to customize these columns with additional data points to aid with navigation and understandability (from…
Hi, would it be possible to provide a description field for work apps that allow creators to explain what the purpose of the app and provide a guidance on how it should be used. This should be viewable from the Workapps welcome screen as well as within the app itself.
Managing feedback for multiple proofs in multiple sheets can be extremely tedious, especially if relying on the large number of emails at your inbox for "Proof Accepted" or "Proof Rejected." Clicking through to each proof only to learn that you are still waiting on others to review, is very time consuming. If not keeping…
We have a mechanism to include external collaborator to access smartsheet, but there is no mechanism from Smartsheet to verify if external collaborator email account is still active (for example, we will not get external collaborator notice when someone from share list leave their company). This creates a safety risk. Can…
Background: I'm putting together a requirements document, and have tasked the SMEs in the organization to begin reviewing our list and adding any requirements that were not already listed. Due to the teams not all having access to Smartsheet, I had to send out individual spreadsheets to the different SMEs and will receive…
Add automation to allow you to email the PDF that is generated through the document generator to a specific user or the contact of a row.
Enhancement Request: Take away dual login for Calendar App This causes issues with users accessing the calendar app in general (not wanting to dual login) as well as issues with dashboards as mentioned in this post: It is a continuity issue in the Smartsheet environment to not have the link between Smartsheet Main &…
Hi Community, Welcome to the Product Feedback and Ideas space where you can help shape the future of Smartsheet! We really appreciate your feedback and will take all posts into consideration. Our product team will review top ideas and requests monthly and we'll share updates as soon as we get them. Remember: if you have a…
Currently, the only way to exclude a row from the Dependency/Predecessor function is to delete the row. This causes any Dependency/Predecessor reference to the row to change to #REF, which does not break the associated date row, but skips the #REF. Preferably, we would like to keep all rows, but have an option to exclude…
It appears that you have 4 hours to edit a new idea. It would be nice if you could also delete a new idea. Sometimes fat fingers hit save before intended and an idea is not ready.
When printing (or saving as a pdf) a report, the formatting applied to the report (such as "Group" or "Summarize") does not flow through to the printed version. This significantly decreases the value of the report as a communication / collaboration tool. I realize that there are workarounds such as creating a dashboard…