Stakeholder Roadmap
I'm a project and change manager, and while I appreciate the project management-focused user experience in Smartsheet, there are some opportunities to capture helpful organizational/portfolio change management. In my project intake and project management sheets, I have a column for Audience/Impacted Stakeholders. At a high…
Dashboard Chart [Range Feature], Sheet Helper Column [Trend] and Quick Folder Navigation
Hi everyone, I have noticed there are a lot of features that have been discussed in the past, however they have not been implemented yet, not sure why because they would make life easier. 1st- Implement a feature within Dashboards so that we can resize the range of our charts without having to manipulate the data, coloring…
Metrics Dashboard
I think it would be great if you had a dashboard that allows for metrics to be pulled that can give a clearer picture of how often a license user is creating new sheets, adding column, automations, forms etc. Items that only a licensed user can do. This will help determine if someone really needs a license. This will ease…
Grid Calendar View Legend
ability to add a legend based on selected columns or conditional formatting in the grid
Sheet Summary Report - Highlight Changes - Make the Button work
They told me to post this here rather than just forward it internally, which is really surprising actually, but can you please make the highlight changes button available on sheet summary report actually highlight changes? I don't know what it would even be there if it didn't already, but it doesn't and I confirmed in the…
Auto Number Primary Column
Of the various data types a new column can use, it is logical that the Primary Column can only be Text/Number or Auto Number. However, Auto Number is not an option as of now. I would like to request having Auto Number be an option for the Primary Column. There are many applications of intake or request sheets are used…
Remove Restrictions for all Start/Finish and Duration Entry(via Formula on all date fields).
The core idea behind the request - Manufacturing Projects are based on time duration of work not any given start date. (keeping resource monitoring) Being able to enter an(one) end date at the bottom (or reference), each rows' duration field feeds a formula to calculate the start/finish dates per row action. Making project…
Assign more than one person at the same time in a project
Assign teams / people to the same project all in one click, not individually. I have saome projects here that all 40 people are involved, so it will be super efficient if I can assign all the team in the same project clicking and adding people like we do in many other tools, as emails, whatsapp groups, and so on. I need…
Keep auto number as number, do not turn it into text when using Numerical Places.
When creating an auto-number column, if you choose anything different than Numerical Places being 0, it will detect the column as text. Therefore, making calculations with the auto-number column behaves different depending on the properties used. For example, the formula =[Row ID]@row + 1 shows different outcomes as the…
Copy & Paste Contact Cells between Sheets
Currently only able to copy and paste contact cells on a single sheet.