More than 20 contacts in a cell for automated notification workflow
Data in SmartSheet are transformed into meaningful information for businesses. The preference of end users is to receive the information in their emails, instead of accessing the Smartsheet and reviewing the data, in order to piece together the information. By limiting a cell to 20 contacts, this reduces the potential of…
Send Update Request with Sheet Name
Hi, Suggesting that the "send update request" feature automatically shows the sheet name. Similar to how reminders show this. The workarounds for this are complex and are not user friendly for unlicensed users.
Transfer Sheet Folders When Merging User Accounts via user management console
Hello Support, Currently sheet folders do not transfer to a new primary account when using the user merge function, please include sheet folders in the current user merge tool within the user management console.
Add "Remove" field in Automations of Attachments
Seperate out the value that feeds into "Changed" when there is a removal of the attachment keep the rest.
Reference Comment in Formulas
Please add functionality to address comments via formula, such as =countif([Comments]@row, "No Change") to simply count how often in a row a project is listed as "No Change" or how often something is commented on with =count([Comments]@row). This would add functionality for tracking KPIs and Leading Indicators which is…
improvement opp. on "convert to column formula"
the current smartsheet will give an error if the formula with "$", for example: if i want to convert one cell formula with "$[A]$1 + $[B]$2"" to column formula, it will give error unless you remove all the "$" in the formula. this should be changed.
Macro Switch on Sheets
On Excel, you have the ability to create "Macros" which enables you to do time-consuming/repetitive tasks with a simple click of a button, within the Developer tab and then Visual Basic. For example, you can create a Macro in Excel which will automatically export the sheet, with the format you want for Excel, instead of…
Global Update Find/Replace & Sheet Summary
It would be helpful if you could use SCC global updates to update/work with the sheet summary section of a sheet.
Possible to change the Resource Allocation End date in bulk for one project.
We have a large number of resources for multiple projects. For us, it's very difficult to change the allocation when the project date has been changed. If you can work on this, we can extend the resource allocation end date in one way for all the resources in the single project, which will help us minimize our effort for…
Segmenting within Grids
It would be really helpful if Smartsheets allowed segmenting to provide the ability for formatting by cell or segments. For example, have the top segment of a Smartsheet have columns with formatting by contact names, and the bottom segment be a list of values, associated with the contact names in the rows above. Format…