Company Contact Lists
It would be helpful if we could create multiple company contact lists to be used in sheet creation. For example: a staff contact list is created in the Admin Centre and when creating a sheet with a contact list/column, we can select "Use Company list", select the list called "Staff Contacts"and then that action imports all…
Dashboard - Page Break Line/Preview in Edit Mode
I, like a lot of people by the sounds of it use Dashboards as more of a way compile my data and display it in a visually pleasing way. As a result, my Dashboards sometimes are more than 1 page long. It would be great to know where the Page Break is i.e. a clear line visible when in Edit mode The current way I am working…
Dynamic View - Sheet Name from Reports
Whenever you setup a Dynamic View for a report, it does not currently pull in the underlying URL related to the Sheet Name column from a report (all that shows is the name). It would be very useful for this functionality to be updated so that if users did want to navigate to a source sheet, then they could just use the…
Default Calendar View to "today"
The calendar view is an excellent feature, but it can be confusing when you open it up and you are in the right month but the wrong year! With the calendar view, the default seems to be to open to the month in which the first item is logged, but it would be very helpful to have a feature that allows it to be changed to…
Length and/or Character validation within a Form
When creating a Form, I would like to be able to specify and/or limit the number of characters added to a specific field. As an example, when we ask for the UID (such as mine being U28CT27). Today, I can only give them a free flow box, but in this case, I would like to validate a length of 7 ---- and for extra strength, be…
Data validation
How about adding "number only" or "text only" options to the data validation?
De-Select Primary Column in Reports
Feature request: It would be amazing to have the flexibility to unselect Primary Columns in Reports! Giving us the option to designate any column as the 'primary' one would make customizing reports so much more intuitive and powerful. Let’s make it happen! 🚀📊
More Sort Levels
Please add the ability to use more sort levels when sorting sheets and reports. It's pretty easy to run up against the limit of only being able to sort by 3 columns. In my personal experience there are cases I've hit where we would need to use 5 columns to have a sheet or report sorted in the most logical order. I'm sure…
Allowing users to apply "Names" and "Descriptions" to conditional formatting rules.
Hi, my team's resources often utilize a LOT of conditional formatting to help highlight certain things, spot where data is missing, etc. These resources are also shared across many teams and people. Our conditional formatting rules lists are often extremely long with similar-ish formatting for different rules. Being able…
Canada in Form Phone Validation
Greetings, Field Settings - Validation - Phone. If you select Canada and save it. The form will display the United States. I went back into settings to double-check the settings were still set to Canada, while the manage form view displayed the United States. Ultimately, my goal is to automate a dropdown with logic that…