External collaborators with expiration date
In bigger companies often external collaborators are invited for a project. Easy to achieve. For lots of projects with hundreds of internal and external collaborators it would be very helpful if an admin could either set an expiration date, or at least a reminder to check if a specific collaborator should be removed.
pull data from Resource Management directly into the linked sheet/sheet summary
Would like a way to connect the project summary data in RM (project budget, incurred hours, future scheduled hours, project budget (fees), incurred (fees), future scheduled (fees) (see screenshot) into the linked smarthsheet/ smartsheet's sheet summary field.
Ticket View: View both all records with focus on one
A view where you can see all of your rows, and choose one to expand and maximize while the rest stay in sight. Similar to a ZenDesk agent view.
Smartsheet Report in Gantt View to show bar chart for Baseline and Actual
Please add this setting in Report - Gantt View. Currently you can only select 1 Date Range Display (Baseline Dates or Actual Dates). Best if these were visible in Report -Gantt View to visualize the status of the project or specific task/activity. Thanks SPIPMO
Allow Document Mapping to be used across sheets
I have many reports that I map for generation that reside in different sheets. This requires me to map the reports for each sheet. If there was a general location, or a way to set as templates to use in any asset that would be such a time saver.
automatically add row number to dashboard reports
I'm fairly new to Smartsheet and I love it. However, it would be nice if the row number from the task sheet was automatically added to the dashboard reports (upcoming tasks, overdue tasks, etc.). The row number does show up in the workflow reminder emails, but not on the reports. I had to add a new column to the task sheet…
Controlled data: Create Rows but not Edit OR Edit Rows but not Create
prevent accidental edits and maintain data integrity by allow users to create but not edit fields. or to stop duplicate fields from being created, grant users the ability to edit but stop them from creating new ones.
Automatically Update Numbers in Countdown Formula
Currently, I have to refresh every day I need to see the most up-to-date number of days remaining for an event. I'm surprised this doesn't exist already considering how many tools there are for event and project launch coordination.
Add Live Comment Feed to Jira Connector
The Jira connector is missing one piece of functionality that would make it a great product. There is no way to show comments. This is kind of a deal breaker for us.
Resource Management: Improve View of Time & Fee Categories in Settings
In the settings, the Time & Fee Categories view chops off the end of Categories with longer names. There is so much space on the page, it does not make sense why the full name of the category would not be visible. Something like "Example Long Category Name" would be listed as "Example Long Ca..."