Timeline view in Dashboard
Please enable the Timeline view in Report and Dashboard. This is a better way to present timelines in a dashboard vs Gantt charts.
Locking of Columns by Groups
Please add the capability to lock/unlock fields/columns for editing by Group Assignment. While Groups can be assigned with or without editing permissions to a sheet, Columns can only be locked for editing so that only administrators can edit locked columns. Being able to assign permissions that would only allow users in…
Group WorkSpaces and organize them in "folders"
I would love to see a way for us to be able to "Folder-ize" WorkSpaces that have been shared to us by others. To be able to group those WorkSpaces by the department that it belongs with to make it easier to find and to support. Especially for those of us within our District who are the ones responsible for training and…
"Attachments" Needs Folder Capability
I have a need to upload many photos, sometimes over a hundred, to every line on a sheet, but the lack of the "Attachments" feature to allow for folders forces us to upload these files to the "Proofs" feature. Unfortunately, this can be a lengthy process in uploading and subsequently in just trying to open the proofs. It's…
Admin Center - Plan Usage - Option to change Report period
If you go to the Admin Center - Plan Usage, you cannot change the report period. Especially for the "Assets and workspaces" it would be very helpful to change the report period. If you want to know how many views you had on sheets in the last month, for example
Remove User Sharing
Smartsheet recently changed what happens when you click "Remove Sharing" from a user you are deactivating or has been deactivated. Previously, a banner would appear indicating if that person was NOT shared to anything. If they were shared, the banner would say check back later. When you checked back, it would show the user…
Minimize or Remove Description Window in PDF View in Published Reports
The ability to interact with a dashboard is powerful. It is particularly useful in committee work and to minimize clicks, which makes using Smartsheet very user friendly. When opening a pdf file in a published report (on its own or embedded into a dashboard) the pdf file appears and a description window on the right. If…
Re-order displayed columns in Board View
I have already posted this as feedback - and now as a new idea… In the new Board View, if I want to change the order of the columns displayed on my card, I have to de-select the columns up to the order number that I want to insert at, then re-select the same/additional columns in the exact order that I want to see…
Board View: Edit in the Card, Not the Right Pane
In the new card view, it would be great to double click on the card and edit right there - rather than navigating to the side pane to scroll, find the field, edit, etc. The right side pane is also not intuitive when saving after editing. You simply click out or close the window, some users may be looking for a save button.
Hide Widgets from Published Dashboard view
It would be helpful to have the ability to hide a widget from view on a dashboard when published or when viewing as not the owner/admin. For example I have a standard template for projects and a widget may not be relevant now, but I will want to use it in the future as the project matures. I would want to move it to the…