Translation Services
Seaking the ability for smartsheet to operate like many of the technology platforms, and have advancements, by allowing Forms and cell data to have translation possibilities . This could be on a form, that has a non english speaker the abilities to have automated translations of the text to their native language. Other…
Option to copy questions when designing Smartsheet form
Option to copy questions when designing a form would allow to save time when you have to create a more complex form when you need to use several sets of the same questions with some minor changes. It would be great to just copy them than design from the scratch.
Control Center Advance Functionality
For Control Center to be REALLY helpful, it would be useful to be able to set up advanced functions as part of a new item being spun up. Such as creation of: WorkApps (actual WorkApps, not portfolio WorkApps DataMesh Data Shuttle Etc.
Copy / Maintain Sheet references while copying formulas between sheets
Would like a way to maintain the sheet references when copying a formula between sheets. As an example, if I try to copy this formula from one sheet into another sheet, the formula breaks as smartsheet does not recognize what range 1 is in the formula & you have to re-point the range which becomes cumbersome while doing…
Button Widget that can run automation
It would be useful if you could add a button on a dashboard that could be used to run automation, e.g. to do some processing such as moving/copying rows between sheets or triggering emails to users regarding status of rows in the sheet.
Out of office messages
We need Smartsheet to either send our out of office messages from Outlook to a person leaving us a comment, OR - we need the option to go into Smartsheet and add an out of office message that will go to everyone trying to contact us either by comment or notification.
Dashboard Shortcut Widget Ability to Open New Tab
When you use a Dashboard Shortcut Widget, the link goes directly and you lose the current page. I would be great to have an option when adding a link to have it open in a new tab/window. A lot of our folks refer to the old page and the new one.
Add completed form to Smartsheet
It would be great if, not only did the completed form generate a Smartsheet row, but it also was added as an attachment so you can review this at a later date. We have hundreds of forms on some Smartsheets and they are completed to observe employees carrying out certain tasks (process confirmations). The Smartsheet is then…
Change color of milestones in Gantt
Hello. I would like for the Gantt to reflect my organization's color scheme better so that I don't have to recreate Gantt charts manually in PowerPoint presentations for sr leadership. Currently, I can change the bars in the Gannt, but I cannot change rollup bars or especially milestone diamonds.
Bridge Triggers - Need Ability to Display Name at Roll-up Level for Long Lists of Triggers
Currently, you cannot see the Trigger name in the Trigger List and you have to open each one until you find the trigger you are looking for. This is seriously inefficient for established Bridge implementations with many triggers. Please display the trigger's name when the list is collapsed.