Please add "Select an Existing Sheet Reference" option when creating formulas.
When creating a formula you're given the option to "Reference Another Sheet". I love this feature but it needs improvement because it ONLY gives you the option to create a new reference. Yes, you can click the same range as an existing range and it will auto-populate with the correct range number, but that's only if you…
Indent/Outdent Rows not showing on Reports and Dashboards
I have a Project Schedule "Sheet" that has several parent and child rows. When I created a "Report" for this same sheet, I noticed that the parent/child rows are not showing on the "Report". For example, the report is not allowing me to see which rows are indented/outdented. It would be very helpful to have a way that the…
Sheet Filters on Reports
Sheet filters are extremely useful ways to view sheet information, it would useful to have the ability to select a sheet filter when developing a report to avoid having to duplicate the filter setup process.
Filter columns in reports individually as viewer
My users desperately miss the filter columns functionality in reports. We would love to be able to use filtering in reports just like you can filter a sheet. Indepentendly from the report filters appplied by the owner of the report, any user should be able to filter columns in the report later on for themselves.
Removing Embedded Dashboard Header
I am writing to request an enhancement to the embedding options for Smartsheet dashboards. When sharing dashboards externally or embedding them on our SharePoint page, the current embed code includes a very unappealing header. This issue is particularly noticeable when embedding the calendar app, which has a bulky header…
Wrap Text Sheet Names in Reports
Be able to choose whether wrap text is applied to sheet names when included in a report.
Smartsheet University Workload Tracking Training Courses
Currently there is only Resource Management Trainings and not Workload Tracking specific ones.
Ability to Pin tiles on the Home Page
Instead of only recently used Smartsheet items on the home page, it would be really convenient if we were able to pin tiles of our most needed sheets.
Customizable Home Screen
Can we please have the ability to customize a home screen. The ability to show only favorites, most frequently used, most recently opened, build folders, default to the workspace view, etc, etc, etc would be extremely helpful.
Reports with multiple source sheets: Highlight Columns Missing from specific sheets
I don't know about everyone else, but when a report references a column that is deleted, it's not easy for me to figure out which column is missing. Sometimes I remove the wrong one thinking it's the culprit. So I start deleting until I find the one, refresh the report to bring them all back, then remove the one that…