Reports with multiple source sheets: Highlight Columns Missing from specific sheets
I don't know about everyone else, but when a report references a column that is deleted, it's not easy for me to figure out which column is missing. Sometimes I remove the wrong one thinking it's the culprit. So I start deleting until I find the one, refresh the report to bring them all back, then remove the one that…
Dynamic Forms created as an Object
It would be great to have forms created as objects, that way if I copy paste a folder, or am provisioning projects via control center, the form URL will be dynamic to the newly created object instead of me copy/pasting/modifying dashboard links etc.
Send as Attachment - Current User
I would like the ability to use the report feature "Send as Attachment" with a "Current User" filtered report, where the person gets a pdf or excel version of the report filtered by who the report is being sent to. My situation: I manage a list of colleagues in a sheet and need to send a report to their respective leaders.…
Reorder Favorites and Pinned Recents
It would be helpful if you could drag favorites and pinned recents to customize the order they appear in.
Symbol Flexibility - more symbol colors/options
The ability to build our own Symbol Sets for a drop-down menu (even just using the pre-existing individual symbols, not creating a custom symbol itself) is a desirable asset and would assist in various data management senarios that require the use of more than four or five categories of classification
vLookup: column name instead of number
When using the vlookup formula, is it possible to indicate the column name that we want to return as result instead of the column number? Cos sometimes the columns get reordered, and the results returned by column number will not be the intended column. This is especially so when we are referencing another sheet in the…
Toggle predecessor arrows on/off - clarity in the gantt view
With a lot of predecessors linking tasks, the gantt view can get crowded and hard to visualize with a lot of additional lines between tasks. I'd like the ability to toggle on/off the predecessor linking arrows. This was a setting in MS Project that I used quite frequently and miss in Smartsheet.
Hot key for Expand and Collapse Row
As Business Analyst, I'm frustrated when working with large projects that I cannot expand and collapse with a hot key. I find it cumbersome to use a mouse to click the + or - on a row of nested rows to expand or collapse the nested rows. Ideally, I'd like keyboard/hotkey functionality tied to the expand and collapse…
Removing duplicate rows in a sheet
Would love to see a feature to remove duplicate rows in a sheet. I have an automated rule setup to move rows into a sheet every day and some of the rows are duplicates. I would like to automate the process of removing those duplicate rows.
Sort Chart Data in Dashboards (Ascending or Descending or Alphanumeric Order)
Please add a feature that lets you sort your chart data in ascending order (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4), descending order (e.g., 4, 3, 2, 1) or alphanumeric order (e.g., 1, 2, 3, a, b, c).