Locked rows except for one cell/column
Have the possibility to have a cell/column that remains unlocked even when a row is locked. This would enable a free user to check that cell and launch an automation to request the row to be unlocked
More colors, at all costs.
Please give us the ability to call more colors even if we have to go grab hex codes from somewhere outside the smar system and manually type them into a box to display them. 40 colors, especially the ones that exist in smar, so remarkably limiting and make the sheets look horrendous. Not a good thing when you've got teams…
Ability to Reverse Populate a Form or "Slide" for Presentations
While using a form for data entry and collection, the same could be said for the reverse, being able to take data from a grid (either project plan, metrics sheet, etc.) and populate into a slide or sheet. For instance, I submit a form with information to be captured in a downstream grid, but can also generate a "slide" or…
Control Centre Automatic Move Automation Rerouting
I have a Control Centre Blueprint that contains two sheets, let's call them Sheet A and Sheet B. Sheet A has a Move Automation that sends the row to Sheet B. I would like it to be that when Control Centre provisions a new set of sheets, let's call them Sheet A' and Sheet B', the provisioned automation on Sheet A'…
Separate Access Sheet report between internal and external users
The sheet access report for us exceeds the 1,048,576 rows so we can't see a full report of sheet access. Perhaps one way to solve this is to create one report for external users and another report for internal users. OR come up with a text file export since excel has limits.
Send Update Request with Sheet Name
Hi, Suggesting that the "send update request" feature automatically shows the sheet name. Similar to how reminders show this. The workarounds for this are complex and are not user friendly for unlicensed users.
Turn off backup dashboards in Control Center global updates
I would like to be able to turn off the auto creation of backup dashboards when making a global update. I understand that you can just drop them into another workspace to reduce clutter, but when you have 200+ projects, even that solution is burdensome.
New rows and comments global update within Control Center
Add a global update to update project plans with new rows and comments within Control Center so that all plans have the necessary steps needed for full implementations.
Using "Groups" to Invite Users to Proof
This piggybacks on enhancement requests for using Groups in Automated Workflows. Our Marketing and Communications team has a form for employees to submit requests for the marketing material design (e.g., a flyer for an upcoming event). Proofs are uploaded to the request and the same group of people need to review and…
Display percent complete within Report > Gantt View > Progress Bar
Community post https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/105628/not-all-actual-bar-show-in-gantt-chart identified that percent complete is not displayed within gantt progress bars in a Report view. Being able to quickly view project progress in a Report is a key feature. Can this please be implemented.