I have a formula that I cannot get right
Hi, I am taking Justin Orazio's Smartsheet made Simple course. I am in the cross-sheet referencing class. I have watched him create the formula over and over but mine just doesn't work. It doesn't give me an error, but it also doesn't count up the number of sales by the month per project manager. Can someone help me? Below…
Why sheet viewed - No action taken - but in Activity Log list Formatting Applied, Why?
Hi this can be mis read as action taken. WHEN ONLY SHEET VIEWED. Unless embedded formatting is doing itself (wild guess). Need to understand where/why this line of log came from. Thanks, Jinwon
Group Management Reporting Capability
I would like to be able to run a group report showing all the group names as well as those who are included within the groups.
Enhancement Request - Multiple Rows From a Single Form Submission - Multiple Lines
Having the ability to create multiple line item entries on a single form. Meaning, let's say you create "header" information 1x on a form, but then enter multiple Line Items (which end up as separate rows) rather than having them extend into multiple columns. Data is not user friendly by any means in this current format,…
Report: Right-Click Header, "Group by this Column" and "Summarize this Column"
In Reports, It would be GREAT to be able to right click on a column header and add that column as a group or a summary. The options would be: 1. Group by this Column 2. Summarize this Column And then when you go to the GROUP or SUMMARIES menu, you can then select how you want it summarized or grouped.
Ways to find what reports are running a certain sheet as it's source data
I want to make some structure change to particular sheet. (Especially Primary column) However, before I can change that, I need to find out how many and what reports are using this sheet as it's source to make sure nothing will break. Anything used in cross-sheet reference formulas are easier to find out but Smartsheet…
LookUp Results then Automate Resonse
Haven't had to much experience with smartsheet, other than setting up some connections and sheets. Trying to accomplish this automation though; I have a connection adding rows/updating rows when source changes. I want to make a form or dynamic view (if possible) that allows a viewer/user to enter a PurchaseOrderNo…
Limiting date range choice in a form
A week or two ago I had an issue with automation not triggering properly in a form I created. Here is a little background. We are upgrading Windows versions on certain workstations. I had a specific range of dates for users to choose from to get upgraded. I originally created a column [Requested Upgrade Date] that was a…
Inconsistently updating Latest Comment Column
New conversations sometimes immediately populate to the Latest Comment column. Other times I need to save & refresh browser which works inconsistently. My last resort fix is to copy the new conversation, delete the original and then save a new conversation which then updates to the Latest Comment column. Anyone else run…
Non Licensed User - Editor Access - Update Columns
Hi - Has anyone experienced this? I have an unlicensed user shared to a sheet with a form with Editor access. I can see in Activity history she was able to change column properties for a column from Text to Date. Has anyone had this happen? I am wondering if she somehow edited the form?