Add Hyphen Checkbox schema to help with tracing a sheet to its location within a Workspace/Folder
When a user clicks on the "Sheet" button in a report to find where the source sheet(s) is found it is extremely hard to locate which workspace/folder the sheet is located within. It would be extremely helpful to use the UI design Smartsheet already uses when less then all items within a folder are selected; a hyphen in the…
IFERROR, INDEX, MATCH, IF(AND( Formula for 5 sheets?
So, this is a doozy. I am trying to create one report that, when one piece of information is entered, pulls the rest of the necessary information from across five other sheets. I have seen a discussion on this forum about doing just that thing, but the difference is, I need to include certain criteria within the search,…
Delete Rows using an Automation
Please create automation to delete Rows. Using the move rows automation, we are able to move records to an archive sheet. The problem then becomes we have to manually delete records from the archive sheet.
Enabling date columns to be incorporated into formulas
I have built a milestone report. To keep it current, I am asking my team to update 7 columns (for 7 milestones) every week in the weekly updates sheet, so I can track. In my sheet summary I am then pulling the most current values from the weekly update sheet. It is an Index Match formula, but it only can pull the date when…
Metadata Folder
Hi All, I am using the PMO Template Set. I have cancelled one of my projects, however it is not updating the metadata folder under Project Status. When I hover over the "In Progress" section I see that the field is not linked with the timeline. I am not sure what happened as all of my other projects are working as…
Assigned tasks show as uncategorized when filtering by "Assigned To"
When filtering the timeline view by "assigned to", all but two assignees' tasks show up as uncategorized even though there are people assigned. In the screenshot, you can see in the left-most column that this is "Assigned To: Uncategorized" but in the pane on the right, it is Assigned To Chuck. How do I fix this?
Additional data/fields for contact
Hello Team , The Contact feature as of now include only contact name and email I would like to suggest to add more fields for a contact . Example : Mobile and Phone , Address and photo specially for non smart sheet members This is will help us to reduce adding many columns that not needed just to add above data. might have…
Hi Brain Trust I have an automation that when the status is changed to onboarding a notification is sent to xx@xx.com.au. HOWEVER - when several rows are updated in quick succession and then saved, the notification sends out a combined notification instead of individual notifications We tried changing to update the status,…
(AED) currency is not listed in the currencies
Dear Community, Can we have (AED) United Arab Emirates as one of the currencies to be used in Smartsheet? I would like to use it in my budget sheets Thank you Sara Hamam
Multiple Smartsheet Accounts- Badges and Certs
As I have moved through my career, I have had a smartsheet account across various organizations. Including also, badges and certifications. Is there any way to connect badges or certifications across the accounts? I have built a following of peers from building and training on Smartsheet (over 10,000+ builds). Scattered…